Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926

Abercrombie, Lascelles, 1881-1938

A Bushman

See: Christie, William Harvey

Acheson, Arthur, 1864-1930

Acton, Harold, 1904-1994

Adair, Cecil

See: Everett-Green, Evelyn, 1856-1932

Adam, E. (Erich)

Adam, of Cobsam

Adams, Charles Kendall, 1835-1902

Adams, Francis William Lauderdale, 1862-1893

Adams, John Wolcott, 1874-1925

Adams, St. Clair, 1883-

Adams, W. H. Davenport (William Henry Davenport), 1828-1891

Adams, William Davenport, 1851-1904

Adcock, Arthur St. John, 1864-1930

Adcock, Frederick

Addison, Joseph, 1672-1719

Addleshaw, Percy, 1866-1916


See: Russell, George William, 1867-1935

Aelfred, King of England

See: Alfred, King of England, 849-899

Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham, 955?-1020?

Aguilar, Grace, 1816-1847

Ahava, Juho

See: Soini, Lauri, 1875-1919

Aikin, Anna Lætitia

See: Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825

Aikin, John, 1747-1822

Aikin, Lucy, 1781-1864

Ainger, Alfred, 1837-1904

Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805-1882

Airanne, Aukusti

Aitken, George Atherton, 1860-1917

Akenside, Mark, 1721-1770

Albanesi, Effie Adelaide Maria

See: Rowlands, Effie Adelaide, 1866-1936

Albert, Brother

See: Gray, John, 1866-1934

Alcock, Deborah, 1835-1913

Alden, John B. (John Berry), 1847-1924

Alderson, Amelia

See: Opie, Amelia, 1769-1853

Aldin, Cecil, 1870-1935

Aldington, Hilda Doolittle

See: H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961

Aldington, Richard, 1892-1962

Alec-Tweedie, Mrs. (Ethel), 1862-1940

Alexander, Mrs., 1825-1902

Alfred, King of England, 849-899

Ali Baba

See: Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915

Allan, Luke, -1962

Allbut, Robert

Allen, F. M.

See: Downey, Edmund, 1856-1937

Allen, Grant, 1848-1899

Allen, J. C.

Allingham, Margery, 1904-1966

Allingham, William, 1824-1889

Allonby, Edith

Alma-Tadema, Laurence, 1865?-1940

Almeida Coutinho, Henrique Ernesto de

See: Coutinho, Henrique Ernesto de Almeida, 1788-1868

A. L. O. E., 1821-1893

Alpha of the plough

See: Gardiner, A. G. (Alfred George), 1865-1946

Alpi, Eero, 1885-1933

Alton, Delia

See: H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961


See: Corrêa, Alvim, 1876-1910

Ambient, Mark, 1860-1937

Ames, Lucia True

See: Mead, Lucia True Ames, 1856-1936

Amott, Lennox

Amy, William Lacey

See: Allan, Luke, -1962

Andelin, Väinö

Andelin, Verner

See: Anttila, Werner, 1869-1954

Anderson, J. C. O'Gorman, Mrs.

See: Benson, Stella, 1892-1933

Anderson, John Parker, 1841-1925

Anderson, Karl, 1874-1956

Anderson, William, 1805-1866

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Andrews, C.

Andrews, Cecily Isabel Fairfield

See: West, Rebecca, 1892-1983

Anethan, Albert d', Baroness, 1860-1935

Angeli, Diego, 1870-1937

Angellier, Auguste, 1847-1911


Anstey, F., 1856-1934

Anttila, Werner, 1869-1954

Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1880-1918

Applin, Arthur, 1873-1949

Arber, Edward, 1836-1912

Arbuthnot, John, 1667-1735

Archer, William, 1856-1924

Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d', 1704-1771

Argyll, John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Duke of, 1845-1914


See: Cooper, John Gilbert, 1723-1769

Arlen, Michael, 1895-1956

Armfield, Maxwell, 1881-1972

Armstrong, John, 1709-1779

Armstrong, Martin, 1882-1974

Armstrong, W. C.

Arnaldo Márquez, José

See: Márquez, José Arnaldo, 1830-1904

Arnim, Elizabeth von

See: Von Arnim, Elizabeth, 1866-1941

Arnold, Edwin Lester Linden, 1857-1935

Arnold, Edwin, Sir, 1832-1904

Arnold, Mary Augusta

See: Ward, Humphry, Mrs., 1851-1920

Arnold, Matthew, 1822-1888

Ashby-Sterry, J. (Joseph), -1917

Ash, Fenton

See: Aubrey, Frank, 1847-1927

Ashford, Angela

Ashford, Daisy, 1881-1972

Ash, Paul

See: Ashwell, Pauline, 1928-

Ashton-Gwatkin, Frank Trelawny Arthur

See: Paris, John, 1889-1976?

Ashton, John, 1834-1911

Ashton, Winifred

See: Dane, Clemence, 1888-1965

Ashwell, Pauline, 1928-

Aspelin-Haapkylä, Eliel, 1847-1917

A Square

See: Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926

Asquith, Elizabeth

See: Bibesco, Elizabeth, 1897-1945

Astala, Onni

Atheling, William

See: Pound, Ezra, 1885-1972

Atkins, Elizabeth, 1891-1962

Atkins, Frank

See: Aubrey, Frank, 1847-1927

Aubrey, Frank, 1847-1927

Augustine, Saint

See: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430

Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430

Aumonier, Stacy, 1887-1928

Austen, Jane, 1775-1817

Austen-Leigh, James Edward, 1798-1874

Austen-Leigh, Richard Arthur, 1872-1961

Austen-Leigh, William

Austin, Alfred, 1835-1913

Austin, Arthur

See: Wilson, John, 1785-1854

Austin, F. Britten (Frederick Britten), 1885-1941

Austin, Henry

Avellan, Edvin, 1830-1912

Avison, George, 1885-

Awdelay, John, active 1559-1577

Ayres, Harry Morgan, 1881-1948

Ayres, Ruby M. (Ruby Mildred), 1883-1955

Ayscough, John, 1858-1928

Aytoun, William Edmondstoune, 1813-1865

Azaña, Manuel, 1880-1940

Baarslag, C.

Bacon, Delia Salter, 1811-1859

Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626

Bacon, Helen E. (Helen Estelle), 1860-

Bacon, Thomas Rutherford

Bagnold, Enid, 1889-1981

Bagot, Richard, 1860-1921

Bailey, H. C. (Henry Christopher), 1878-1961

Bailey, John Cann, 1864-1931

Bailey, Thomas, 1785-1856

Baillie, Joanna, 1762-1851

Baillot, A. (Amédée)

Baine, Rodney M.

Bain, F. W. (Francis William), 1863-1940

Baker, Elizabeth, 1876-1962

Baker, Frank

See: Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890

Baker, Franklin T. (Franklin Thomas), 1864-1949

Baker, George M. (George Melville), 1832-1890

Baker, Ida Constance

See: LM (Leslie Moore), 1888-1978

Baker, Olaf

Baker, Sheridan Warner, 1918-

Baker, Thomas, active 1700-1709

Baldwin, Edward

See: Godwin, William, 1756-1836

Baldwin, Edward Chauncey, 1870-1940

Baldwin, Gerald

Baldwin, James, 1841-1925

Balfour, Frederic Henry

Ball, Alec

Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael), 1825-1894

Balliet, Thomas M. (Thomas Minard), 1852-1942

Ball, Margaret, 1878-1952

Balwhidder, Micah

See: Galt, John, 1779-1839

Banim, John, 1798-1842

Banks, G. Linnaeus (George Linnaeus), Mrs., 1821-1897

Bannerman, A. Islay

Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825

Barbellion, W. N. P., 1889-1919

Barber, Margaret Fairless

See: Fairless, Michael, 1869-1901

Barbieri, Gaetano, 1767-1853

Barbour, John, -1395

Barclay, Florence L. (Florence Louisa), 1862-1921

Barclay, Hubert, Mrs., 1872-

Barcynska, Countess (Hélène), 1894-1964

Barham, Richard Harris

See: Ingoldsby, Thomas, 1788-1845

Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine), 1834-1924

Baring, Maurice, 1874-1945

Barker, Granville

See: Granville-Barker, Harley, 1877-1946

Barlow, Jane, 1857?-1917

Barnard, Frederick, 1846-1896

Barnes-Grundy, Mabel

Barnes, William, 1801-1886

Barnett, Ada

Barnett, C. Z. (Charles Zachary)

Barnfield, Richard, 1574-1627

Barnivelt, Esdras

See: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744

Barrett-Browning, Elizabeth

See: Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806-1861

Barrett, C. R. B. (Charles Raymond Booth), 1850-1918

Barrett, Eaton Stannard, 1786-1820

Barrett, Frank, 1848-1926

Barrett, Michael, 1848-

Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew), 1860-1937

Barry, Iris, 1895-1969

Barry, John Arthur, 1851-1911

Barstow, Montagu, Mrs.

See: Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Baroness, 1865-1947

Bartholomew, A. T. (Augustus Theodore), 1882-1933

Bartimeus, 1886-1967

Barton, Eustace Robert

See: Eustace, Robert, 1854-1943

Bashford, H. H. (Henry Howarth), Sir, 1880-1961

Baskerville, Beatrice C., 1878-1955

Bateman, H. M. (Henry Mayo), 1887-1970

Bateman, May

Bateman, Reginald, 1884?-1918

Bates, Katharine Lee, 1859-1929

Batten, Charles

Baudelaire, Charles, 1821-1867

Baumer, Lewis Christopher Edward, 1870-1963

Bax, Clifford, 1886-1962

Bayly, Ada Ellen

See: Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903

Bayne, Ronald, Rev., 1859-1922

Baynes, Philip

Bayne, Thomas, 1845-1931

Beadle, Charles

Beale, Anne

Beardsley, Aubrey, 1872-1898

Beattie, James, 1735-1803

Beaucé, Jean-Adolphe, 1818-1875

Beauchamp, Kathleen M. (Kathleen Mansfield)

See: Mansfield, Katherine, 1888-1923

Beauchamp, Mary Annette

See: Von Arnim, Elizabeth, 1866-1941

Beaumont, Edgar

See: Halifax, Clifford

Beaumont, Francis, 1584-1616

Beaumont, Mary

Becher, Arthur E., 1877-1960

Becke, Louis, 1855-1913

Beckford, William, 1760-1844

Beckingham, Mr. (Charles), 1699-1731

Beddington, Ada Esther

See: Leverson, Ada, 1862-1933

Beddoes, Thomas Lovell, 1803-1849

Bede, Cuthbert, 1827-1889

Bedford, F. D., 1864-1954

Bedford, H. Louisa

Bédollière, Emile de la

See: La Bédollière, Emile de, 1812-1883

Beeching, H. C. (Henry Charles), 1859-1919

Beerbohm, Max, Sir, 1872-1956

Beers, Henry A. (Henry Augustin), 1847-1926

Beggarstaff, W.

See: Nicholson, William, 1872-1949

Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689

Behnsch, Ottomar, 1813-1869

Beith, John Hay

See: Hay, Ian, 1876-1952

Belcher, George Frederick Arthur, 1875-1947

Belgian Hare

See: Douglas, Alfred Bruce, 1870-1945

Belgrave, Dalrymple J.

Bell, Acton

See: Brontë, Anne, 1820-1849

Bell, Clive, 1881-1964

Bell, Currer

See: Brontë, Charlotte, 1816-1855

Bell, Ellis

See: Brontë, Emily, 1818-1848

Bell, Florence Eveleen Eleanore Olliffe, Lady, 1851-1930

Bell, Henry Glassford, 1803-1874

Bell, J. J. (John Joy), 1871-1934

Belloc, Hilaire, 1870-1953

Belloc-Lowndes, Marie Adelaide

See: Lowndes, Marie Belloc, 1868-1947

Bellows, Elizabeth

Bellows, George, 1882-1925

Bell, Robert, 1800-1867

Bell, R. S. Warren (Robert Stanley Warren), 1871-

Bell, Vanessa, 1879-1961

Bell, Warren

See: Bell, R. S. Warren (Robert Stanley Warren), 1871-

Bell, William, 1860-1940

Benda, Wladyslaw T. (Wladyslaw Theodore), 1873-1948

Bendit, Gladys Williams

See: Presland, John, 1885-1975

Bendo, Alexander

See: Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of,, 1647-1680

Bennett, Arnold, 1867-1931

Bennett, Rolf

Benson, Arthur Christopher, 1862-1925

Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic), 1867-1940

Benson, Margaret, 1865-1916

Benson, Robert Hugh, 1871-1914

Benson, Stella, 1892-1933

Benson, William, 1682-1754

Bensusan, S. L. (Samuel Levy), 1872-1958

Bentley, E. C. (Edmund Clerihew), 1875-1956

Bentman, Raymond

Bentzon, Th., 1840-1907

Berdoe, Edward, 1836-1916

Beresford, J. D. (John Davys), 1873-1947

Berger, E.

See: Sheppard, Elizabeth Sara, 1830-1862

Bernbaum, Ernest, 1879-1958

Berry, Matilda

See: Mansfield, Katherine, 1888-1923

Berwick, Mary

See: Procter, Adelaide Anne, 1825-1864

Besant, Walter, 1836-1901

Besier, Rudolf, 1878-1942

Betham, Matilda, 1776-1852

Betts, Anna Whelan

Bewick, Thomas, 1753-1828

Bewsher, Paul, 1894-1966

Bianco, Pamela, 1906-1994

Bibesco, Elizabeth, 1897-1945

Bickerstaffe-Drew, Francis Browning Drew, Count

See: Ayscough, John, 1858-1928

Bickerstaff, Isaac

See: Steele, Richard, Sir, 1672-1729

Biddulph, Sidney

See: Sheridan, Frances Chamberlaine, 1724-1766

Bigelow, Jacob, 1786-1879

Bikelas, Demetrios

See: Vikelas, Demetrios, 1835-1908

Billings, Hammatt, 1818-1874

Bill o'th' Hoylus End, 1836-1897

Bindloss, Harold, 1866-1945

Binns, Ottwell, 1872-1935

Birch, Reginald Bathurst, 1856-1943

Bird, Richard, 1881-1965

Birmingham, George A., 1865-1950

Birrell, Augustine, 1850-1933

Black, Ebenezer Charlton, 1861-1927

Black, Helen C.

Black, Hugh, 1868-1953

Blackmantle, Bernard

See: Westmacott, C. M. (Charles Molloy), 1788?-1868

Black, Margaret Moyes, 1853-1935

Blackmore, R. D. (Richard Doddridge), 1825-1900

Blackmore, Richard, Sir, 1654?-1729

Black, William, 1841-1898

Blackwood, Algernon, 1869-1951

Blades, William, 1824-1890

Blade, Zoë, 1981-

Blaeu, Willem, 1571-1638

Blair, Robert, 1699-1746

Blake, M. M. (Matilda Maria)

Blake, William, 1757-1827

Blanc, Joseph, 1846-1904

Blanc, Marie Thérèse de Soloms

See: Bentzon, Th., 1840-1907

Bland, Edith Nesbit

See: Nesbit, E. (Edith), 1858-1924

Bland, Hubert, 1856-1914

Blantyre, Evelyn Simpson

See: Simpson, E. Blantyre (Evelyn Blantyre), 1856-1920

Blaze de Bury, Fernande, 1854-1931

Blewitt, Reginald James, 1799-1878

Blinders, Belinda

See: Coke, Desmond, 1879-1931

Blind Hary, active 1470-1492

Blind, Mathilde, 1841-1896

Blixt, Anders

Bloomfield, Nathaniel

Bloomfield, Robert, 1766-1823

Bloundelle-Burton, John, 1850-1917

Bloxam, John Francis, 1873-1928

Blundell, Mary E. Sweetman

See: Francis, M. E., -1930

Blunden, Edmund, 1896-1974

Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, 1840-1922

Blyth, James, 1864-1933

Boas, Frederick S. (Frederick Samuel), 1862-1957

Boecker, Alexander

Boehm, H. Richard, 1871-1914

Boethius, 480-525?

Boissy, Teresa

See: Guiccioli, Teresa, contessa di, 1800-1873

Boldrewood, Rolf, 1826-1915

Bompas, Charlotte Selina, 1830-1917

Bond, Donald F. (Donald Frederic), 1895-

Bone, David W. (David William), 1874-1959

Bone, F. D.

Bone, Gertrude, 1876-1962

Bone, Herbert A.

Bonhote, Mrs. (Elizabeth), 1744-1818

Bonnomet, M.


Boothby, Ben, 1870-1956

Boothby, Guy, 1867-1905

Booth, Edward Charles

Booth, Hanson, 1885-1944

Booth, J. L. C., 1876-1915

Boreham, Frank, 1871-1959

Borel, Pétrus, 1809-1859

Borrow, George, 1803-1881

Boschère, Jean de, 1878-1953

Boswell, James, 1740-1795

Both, Armand, 1881-1922

Bottens, Jeanne Isabelle Pauline de

See: Montolieu, Isabelle de, 1751-1832

Bottome, Phyllis, 1882-1963

Bottomley, Gordon, 1874-1948

Boucher, W.

Boucicault, Dion, 1820-1890

Bourne, George

See: Sturt, George, 1863-1927

Boutens, P. C., 1870-1943

Bowden, Kathleen

See: Mansfield, Katherine, 1888-1923

Bowen, Marjorie, 1888-1952

Bower, John Graham, 1886-1940

Bowers, G. (Georgina), 1836-1912

Bowles, Evelyn May Clowes

See: Mordaunt, Elinor, 1877?-1942

Bowles, William Lisle, 1762-1850

Bowling, Edward Woodley, 1837-1907

Bowling, John (Novelist)

Bowman, Isa, 1874-1958

Boyce, Benjamin, 1903-1997

Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison, 1825-1899

Boyd, A. S. (Alexander Stuart), 1854-1930

Boyd, Mary Stuart, -1937

Boyer, Abel, 1667-1729

Boyer, Jean-Baptiste de (Marquis d'Argens)

See: Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d', 1704-1771

Boyle, Roger, Earl of Orrery, 1621-1679

Boys, Richard Charles, 1912-


See: Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870

Braakensiek, Joh. (Johan Coenraad), 1858-1940

Bracker, M. Leone, 1885-1937

Braddon, M. E. (Mary Elizabeth), 1835-1915

Bradley, A. C. (Andrew Cecil), 1851-1935

Bradley, Edward

See: Bede, Cuthbert, 1827-1889

Brailsford, Henry Noel, 1873-1958

Bramah, Ernest, 1869?-1942

Brame, Charlotte M., 1836-1884

Bramston, James, 1694?-1744

Brand, Barbarina, Lady

See: Dacre, Barbarina, Lady, 1767-1854

Brandes, Georg, 1842-1927

Bransom, Paul, 1885-1979

Braybrooke, Patrick, 1894-

Brebner, Percy James, 1864-1922

Bredvold, Louis I. (Louis Ignatius), 1888-

Brehm, George, 1878-1966

Brenan, Gerald, 1872-1906

Brennan, Richard, 1833?-1893

Brentwood, Evelyn

Brereton, F. S. (Frederick Sadleir), 1872-1957

Breton, Nicholas, 1544-1626?

Brett, Cyril, 1882-1936

Brewer, Luther Albertus, 1858-1933

Bridges, Elizabeth

See: Daryush, Elizabeth Bridges, 1887-1977

Bridges, John, -1618

Bridges, Robert, 1844-1930

Bridges, Roy, 1885-1952

Bridges, Victor, 1878-1972

Bridgman, L. J. (Lewis Jesse), 1857-1931

Brighouse, Harold, 1882-1958

Bright, Mary Chavelita

See: Egerton, George, 1859-1945

Brightwell, C. L. (Cecilia Lucy), 1811-1875

Brindley, Maud Doria

See: Haviland, Maud D. (Maud Doria), 1891?-1941

Brink, Jan ten, 1834-1901

Brink, Marie ten

Brinton, Sybil G.

Briscoe, Hyde W.

Briscoe, John Potter, 1848-1926

Brissenden, R. F.

Bristowe, Sibyl

Brittain, Vera, 1893-1970

Britton, Henry, 1843-1938

Britton, W. Earl

Brock, C. E. (Charles Edmund), 1870-1938

Brock, H. M. (Henry Matthew), 1875-1960

Broderip, Frances Freeling, 1830-1878

Broghill, Roger Boyle, Baron

See: Boyle, Roger, Earl of Orrery, 1621-1679

Broglie, Achille-Léon-Victor, duc de, 1785-1870

Bronson, Bertrand Harris, 1902-1986

Brontë, Anne, 1820-1849

Brontë, Charlotte, 1816-1855

Brontë, Emily, 1818-1848

Brontë, Patrick, 1777-1861

Brooke, Caris

Brooke, Frances, 1724?-1789

Brooke, Henry, 1703?-1783

Brooke, L. Leslie (Leonard Leslie), 1862-1940

Brooke, Rupert, 1887-1915

Brooke, Stopford Augustus, 1832-1916

Brooks, Van Wyck, 1886-1963

Broster, D. K. (Dorothy Kathleen), 1877-1950

Brougham, John, 1810-1880

Brough, Robert B. (Robert Barnabas), 1828-1860

Broughton, Rhoda, 1840-1920

Broun, Heywood, 1888-1939

Brown, Arthur, Rev.

Brown, Arthur William, 1881-1966

Browne, Gordon, 1858-1932

Browne, Hablot Knight, 1815-1882

Browne, Thomas Alexander

See: Boldrewood, Rolf, 1826-1915

Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682

Browne, William, 1590-1645?

Brown, George Douglas, 1869-1902

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806-1861

Browning, Robert, 1812-1889

Browning, William Ernst

See: Ernst Browning, William, 1830-

Brown, Ivor John Carnegie, 1891-1974

Brown, John, 1810-1882

Brown, John Crombie, -1879?

Brownrigg, Henry

See: Jerrold, Douglas William, 1803-1857

Brown, Thomas, the younger

See: Moore, Thomas, 1779-1852

Bruce Frederick Cummings

See: Barbellion, W. N. P., 1889-1919

Bruce, Mary Grant, 1878-1958

Brummer, Uno, 1871-1913

Brunton, Mary, 1778-1818

Brunton, W. S.

Brunt, Samuel

Bryant, Marguerite, 1870-1962

Bryce, Charles, Mrs.

Bryde, C. W.

Bryden, H. A. (Henry Anderson), 1854-1937

Brydges, Egerton, Sir, 1762-1837

B. T. B. (Basil Temple Blackwood), 1870-1917

Buber, Martin, 1878-1965

Buchan, Anna

See: Douglas, O., 1877-1948

Buchanan, Robert Williams, 1841-1901

Buchan, John, 1875-1940

Buchan, Patrick

Buckland, Arthur H.

Buckland, E. S. Lang

Buckman, Edwin, 1841-1930

Buckrose, J. E., 1868-1931

Buckstone, John Baldwin, 1802-1879

Budgell, Eustace, 1686-1737

Bué, Georges Henri

See: Bué, Henri

Bué, Henri

Buhrer, Albert

Bulcock, Percy

Bull, Charles Livingston, 1874-1932

Bullen, A. H. (Arthur Henry), 1857-1920

Bullen, Frank Thomas, 1857-1915

Bullett, Gerald, 1893-1958

Bull, John

See: Lockhart, J. G. (John Gibson), 1794-1854

Bulthuis, H. J. (Hindrik Jan), 1865-1945

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton, 1st Baron

See: Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron, 1803-1873

Bulwer Lytton, Edward Robert, Earl of Lytton

See: Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, Earl of, 1831-1891

Bunbury, Henry William, 1750-1811

Bunbury, Selina, 1802-1882

Bundy, Edgar, 1862-1922

Bunny, Benjamin

See: Housman, Laurence, 1865-1959

Bunyan, John, 1628-1688

Burgersdijk, L. A. J. (Leendert Alexander Johannes), 1828-1900

Burghard, Sidney Groves

See: Cullum, Ridgwell, 1867-1943

Burgoyne, John, 1722-1792

Burke, Leda

See: Garnett, David, 1892-1981

Burke, Thomas, 1886-1945

Burke, Ulick Ralph, 1845-1895

Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley), 1836-1917

Burne-Jones, Edward Coley, 1833-1898

Burnett-Smith, A. (Annie)

See: Swan, Annie S., 1859-1943

Burney, Fanny, 1752-1840

Burns, Robert, 1759-1796

Burr, William Henry, 1819-1908

Burt, Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth), 1850-1918

Burton, John Hill, 1809-1881

Burton, Richard, 1861-1940

Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890

Burton, Robert, 1577-1640

Bury, Charlotte Campbell, Lady, 1775-1861

Butler, Frances Anne

See: Kemble, Fanny, 1809-1893

Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680

Butler, Samuel, 1835-1902

Butler, William Francis, Sir, 1838-1910

Buxton Forman, H. (Harry)

See: Forman, H. Buxton (Harry Buxton), 1842-1917

Buxton, Robert Hugh, 1871-

Byrd, Jess

Byrne, Charlotte

See: Dacre, Charlotte, 1782?-1825

Byrne, Desmond

Byrne, Donn, 1889-1928

Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824

Byron, May, 1861-1936

Caballero, Manuel

Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958

Cable, Boyd, 1878-1943

Cabo-Conde, Leandro Fernández de Moratín y

See: Fernández de Moratín, Leandro, 1760-1828


Caffyn, Mannington, Mrs., -1926

Caine, Hall, Sir, 1853-1931

Caine, William, 1873-1925

Caird, Mona, 1854-1932

Cajander, Paavo Emil, 1846-1913

Caldwell, E. (Edmund G.)

Callender, James Thomson, 1758-1803

Calthrop, Dion Clayton, 1878-1937

Calverley, Charles Stuart, 1831-1884

Calvert, Albert Frederick, 1872-1946

Cambridge, Ada, 1844-1926

Cameron, H. Lovett, Mrs.

Cameron, John

Campbell, Adelaide M. G.

Campbell, Blendon, 1872-1969

Campbell, Gabrielle Margaret Vere

See: Bowen, Marjorie, 1888-1952

Campbell, John Douglas Sutherland

See: Argyll, John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Duke of, 1845-1914

Campbell, Joseph, 1879-1944

Campbell, Margaret

See: Bowen, Marjorie, 1888-1952

Campbell, R. W.

Campbell, Thomas, 1777-1844

Campioni, Hilda

Cannan, Gilbert, 1884-1955

Canne, J.

See: Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680

Canning, George, 1770-1827

Cantrill, T. C. (Thomas Crosbee), 1867-1931

Capdevila, Carles

Capes, Bernard Edward Joseph, 1854-1918

Careless, Franck

See: Head, Richard, 1637?-1686?

Carey, Henry, 1687?-1743

Carey, Rosa Nouchette, 1840-1909

Carleton, William, 1794-1869

Carling, John R.

Carlisle, Frederick Howard, Earl of, 1748-1825

Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881

Carman, Bliss, 1861-1929

Carner, Josep, 1884-1971

Carpenter, William H. (William Henry), 1853-1936

Carr, Alice Vansittart Strettel, 1850-

Carr, Christopher

See: Benson, Arthur Christopher, 1862-1925

Carrington, Dora de Houghton, 1893-1932

Carrington, Fitz Roy, 1869-1954

Carr, John, Sir, 1772-1832

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898

Carrol, Susanna

See: Centlivre, Susanna, 1667?-1723

Carruthers, Robert, 1799-1878

Carstairs, Christian

Carter, Margery Allingham

See: Allingham, Margery, 1904-1966

Carter, Mary Elizabeth

Carton, R. C. (Richard Claude), 1853-1928

Cary, Elisabeth Luther, 1867-1936

Cary, Henry Francis, 1772-1844

Casement, Roger, 1864-1916

Cassel, John Harmon, 1872-1961

  • Who? (English) (as Illustrator)

Cassels, Walter Richard, 1826-1907

Casserly, Gordon, 1869-1947

Castaigne, J. André, 1861-1929

Castillo, John, 1792-1845

Castle, Agnes, -1922

Castle, Egerton, 1858-1920

Castleman, Justus Collins

Caswell, Edward C., 1879-1963

Catlin, Vera Mary Brittain

See: Brittain, Vera, 1893-1970

Cautley, George Spencer, -1880

Cavafy, Constantine, 1863-1933

Cavendish, Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire, 1757-1806

Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle

See: Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674

Cawthorne, W. A. (William Alexander), 1825-1897

Caxton, William, 1422?-1492?

Caylus, Madame de (Marthe-Marguerite), 1673-1729

Cecil, John

See: Hone, William, 1780-1842

Celenio, Inarco

See: Fernández de Moratín, Leandro, 1760-1828


See: Butler, Samuel, 1835-1902

Centlivre, Susanna, 1667?-1723

Chadwick, Ellis H., Mrs.

Chadwick, Esther Alice

See: Chadwick, Ellis H., Mrs.

Chaillot, Amédée

Chalmers, George, 1742-1825

Chambers, C. Haddon (Charles Haddon), 1860-1921

Chambers, E. K. (Edmund Kerchever), 1866-1954

Chambers, F. W.

Chambers, Haddon

See: Chambers, C. Haddon (Charles Haddon), 1860-1921

Chambers, Robert, 1802-1871

Chambers, R. W. (Raymond Wilson), 1874-1942

Chandler, Frank Wadleigh, 1873-1947

Chandler, Izora C., -1906

  • Domitia (English) (as Illustrator)

Chandos, Samuel Egerton Brydges, baron

See: Brydges, Egerton, Sir, 1762-1837

Chapin, Harold, 1886-1915

Chapin, W. T. (Wallace T.)

Chapman, George, 1559?-1634

Chapman, R. W. (Robert William), 1881-1960

Charles, Elizabeth Rundle, 1828-1896

Charles, Quintus

See: Wray, J. Jackson (James Jackson), 1832-1892

Charlotte Elizabeth, 1790-1846

Charlton, John, 1849-1917

Chase, Joseph Cummings, 1878-1965

Chase, Powell

Chastenay, Madame de (Victorine), 1771-1855

Chateaubriand, François-René, vicomte de, 1768-1848

Chatfield, Paul

See: Smith, Horace, 1779-1849

Chatham, Earl of

See: Pitt, William, 1759-1806

Chatterton, Thomas, 1752-1770

Chaucer, Daniel

See: Ford, Ford Madox, 1873-1939

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 1343?-1400

Chenevix, Richard

See: Trench, Richard Chenevix, 1807-1886

Cherry, J. L. (John Law)

Chertkov, V. G. (Vladimir Grigorevich), 1854-1936

Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773

Chesterton, Cecil, 1879-1918

Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936

Chetwynd, Henry Wayland, Mrs., -1901

Chevalier, Guillaume Sulpice

See: Gavarni, Paul, 1804-1866

Chiarini, Cino, 1854-

Childers, Erskine, 1870-1922

Childe, Wilfred Rowland, 1890-1952

Child, Francis James, 1825-1896

Chip, Will

See: More, Hannah, 1745-1833

Cholmondeley, Alice

See: Von Arnim, Elizabeth, 1866-1941

Cholmondeley, Mary, 1859-1925

Cholmondeley-Pennell, H. (Henry), 1837-1915

Christian, Bertram, -1953

Christie, Agatha, 1890-1976

Christie Murray, David

See: Murray, David Christie, 1847-1907

Christie, William Harvey

Christy, Howard Chandler, 1873-1952

Chubb, Edwin Watts, 1865-1959

Churberg, Waldemar, 1848-1924

Church, Alfred John, 1829-1912

Churchill, Charles, 1731-1764

Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965

Church, John, Jr.

Church, R. W. (Richard William), 1815-1890

Cibber, Colley, 1671-1757

Cibber, Theophilus, 1703-1758

Civicus, Mercurius

See: Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680

Clare, John, 1793-1864

Clare, Maurice

See: Byron, May, 1861-1936

Clark, Christopher, -1942

Clarke, Ernest, 1856-1923

Clarke, Frances Elizabeth Bellenden

See: Grand, Sarah, 1854-1943

Clarke, Harry, 1889-1931

Clarke, Helen Archibald, -1926

Clarke, Laurence (Laurence Ayscough)

Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop, 1846-1881

Clarke, William, 1800-1838

Clark, J. Scott (John Scott), 1854-1911

Clark, Walter Appleton, 1876-1906

Clark, William George, 1821-1878

Clay, Bertha M.

See: Diehl, Alice M. (Alice Mangold), 1844-1912

Clear, Claudius

See: Nicoll, W. Robertson (William Robertson), Sir, 1851-1923

Cleishbotham, Jedediah

See: Scott, Walter, 1771-1832

Cleland, John, 1709-1789

Cleland, Robert

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne

See: Twain, Mark, 1835-1910

Clerihew, E. (Edmund)

See: Bentley, E. C. (Edmund Clerihew), 1875-1956

Cleveland, John, 1613-1658

Clieveland, John

See: Cleveland, John, 1613-1658

Clifford, W. K., Mrs., -1929

Clint, Alfred, 1807-1883

Clough, Arthur Hugh, 1819-1861

Clouston, J. Storer (Joseph Storer), 1870-1944

Clowes, Evelyn May

See: Mordaunt, Elinor, 1877?-1942

Clutton, John, 1760?-

Cobban, J. Maclaren (James Maclaren), 1849-1903

Cobbe, Frances Power, 1822-1904

Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944

Cobbold, Richard, 1797-1877

Cobb, Samuel, 1675-1713

Cobb, Thomas, 1854-1932

Cockburn, Catharine

See: Trotter, Catharine, 1679-1749

Cockburn, James Seton

Coen, Mildred M.

Coghill, Harry, Mrs., 1836-1907

Cohen, Helen Louise, 1882-1957

Cohen, Ralph, 1917-

Coke, Desmond, 1879-1931

Coke, Henry J. (Henry John), 1827-1916

Col. D. Streamer

See: Graham, Harry, 1874-1936

Cole, Francis

See: Cowley, Abraham, 1618-1667

Coleridge, Christabel R. (Christabel Rose), 1843-1921

Coleridge, Ernest Hartley, 1846-1920

Coleridge, Henry Nelson, 1798-1843

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834

Coleridge, Stephen, 1854-1936

Collingwood, Harry, 1851-1922

Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson, 1870-1937

Collingwood, W. G. (William Gershom), 1854-1932

Collins, An, active 17th century

Collins, Charles

Collins, John Churton, 1848-1908

Collins, Tom

See: Furphy, Joseph, 1843-1912

Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889

Collins, William, 1721-1759

Colman, George, 1732-1794

Colman, George, 1762-1836

Colomb, P. H. (Philip Howard), 1831-1899

Colquhoun, Lucy Bethia

See: Walford, Lucy Bethia, 1845-1915

Colum, Padraic, 1881-1972

Colvin, Sidney, 1845-1927

Combe, George, 1788-1858

Combe, William, 1742-1823

Compton-Rickett, Arthur, 1869-1937

Comyns Carr, Mrs.

See: Carr, Alice Vansittart Strettel, 1850-

Conan Doyle, Arthur, Sir

See: Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930

Concanen, Alfred, 1835-1886

Congleton, J. E. (James Edmund)

Congreve, William, 1670-1729

Connor, Marie

See: Leighton, Marie Connor, -1941

Conquest, Joan, 1883-1941

Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924

Conroy, J. D.

See: Rymer, James Malcolm, 1814?-1884

Constable, Henry, 1562-1613

Constable, Thomas, 1812-1881

Conyers, Dorothea, 1873-1949

Cook, Albert S. (Albert Stanburrough), 1853-1927

Cooke, George Willis, 1848-1923

Cooke, Joan Conquest

See: Conquest, Joan, 1883-1941

Cook, Eliza, 1818-1889

Cooke, W. Cubitt (William Cubitt), 1866-1951

Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905

Coombe, William

See: Combe, William, 1742-1823

Cooper, A. Heaton (Alfred Heaton), 1863-1929

Cooper, Alfred W.

Cooper, Henry St. John

Cooper, Henry St. John, 1908-1973

Cooper, John Gilbert, 1723-1769

Cooper, Thomas, 1805-1892

Coote, Rosa Belinda

Coppard, A. E. (Alfred Edgar), 1878-1957

Coppée, Henry, 1821-1895

Copping, Harold, 1863-1932

Copplestone, Bennet, 1867-1932

Copywell, James

See: Woty, William, 1731?-1791

Corbett, George, Mrs., 1846-1930

Corbett, Julian Stafford, 1854-1922

Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924

Corfield, Clara

See: Temple, Crona, 1846-1916


See: Forbes, Ernest, 1879-1962

Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684

Cornell, Frederick Carruthers, 1867-1921

Cornford, Frances Darwin, 1886-1960

Cornwall, Barry, 1787-1874

Corrêa, Alvim, 1876-1910

Corson, Hiram, 1828-1911

Cory, Annie Sophie

See: Cross, Victoria, 1868-1952

Cory, William Johnson, 1823-1892

  • Ionica (English) (as Author)

Cossar, John D.

Costanzo, Gabrielle Margaret Vere Campbell

See: Bowen, Marjorie, 1888-1952

Costa Ricci, Lewis Anselm da

See: Bartimeus, 1886-1967

Cottle, Joseph, 1770-1853

Cotton, Catherine

Coulton, G. G. (George Gordon), 1858-1947

Coungeau, E.‏ (Emily), 1860-1936

Couperus-Baud, Elizabeth, 1867-1960

Courlander, Alphonse, 1881-1914

Cournos, John, 1881-1966

Courtenay, John, 1738-1816

Courthope, William John, 1842-1917

Cousin, John W. (John William), 1849-1910

Cousins, James Henry, 1873-1956

Couteau, James Baptiste

See: Jephson, Robert, 1736-1803

Coutinho, Henrique Ernesto de Almeida, 1788-1868

Coventry (England). Public Libraries Committee

Coward, Noel, 1899-1973

Cowley, Abraham, 1618-1667

Cowley, Hannah, 1743-1809

Cowper, William, 1731-1800

Cox, Charlotte Selina

See: Bompas, Charlotte Selina, 1830-1917

Coxon, Muriel Hine

See: Hine, Muriel

Coyne, J. Stirling (Joseph Stirling), 1803-1868

Crabbe, George, 1754-1832

Crackanthorpe, Hubert, 1870-1896

Craig, Frank, 1874-1918

Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa Richards

See: Hobbes, John Oliver, 1867-1906

Craig, J. H.

See: Hogg, James, 1770-1835

Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 1826-1887

Crain, Dorothy

Crake, A. D. (Augustine David), 1836-1890

Crake, E. E. (Edward Ebenezer)

Crane, Oliver

Crane, Walter, 1845-1915

Crashaw, Richard, 1613?-1649

Craven, Priscilla

Crayon, Christopher

See: Ritchie, J. Ewing (James Ewing), 1820-1898

Crayon, Geoffrey

See: Irving, Washington, 1783-1859

Crealocke, Henry Hope, 1831-1891

Crellin, H. N. (Horatio Nelson)

Cremer, Wilhelm, 1874-1932

Cresswick, Mr.

See: Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797

Creswicke, Louis

Cripps, Arthur Shearly, 1869-1952

Crispin, Cobbler

See: Wagstaffe, William, 1685-1725

Critchett, Richard Claude

See: Carton, R. C. (Richard Claude), 1853-1928

Crocker, John Wilson

See: Croker, John Wilson, 1780-1857

Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford), 1860-1914

Crockett, W. S. (William Shillinglaw), 1866-1945

Crofts, Frances

See: Cornford, Frances Darwin, 1886-1960

Crofts, Freeman Wills, 1879-1957

Croker, B. M. (Bithia Mary), 1849-1920

Croker, John Wilson, 1780-1857

Croly, George, 1780-1860

Cromie, Robert, 1856-1907

Crompton, Edna

Crompton, Richmal, 1890-1969

Croquis, Alfred

See: Maclise, Daniel, 1806-1870

Crosby, Ernest Howard, 1856-1907

Crosby, Raymond Moreau, 1876-1945

Crosland, T. W. H. (Thomas William Hodgson), 1865-1924

Cross, Ada Cambridge

See: Cambridge, Ada, 1844-1926

Cross, J. W. (John Walter), 1840-1924

Cross, Marian Evans

See: Eliot, George, 1819-1880

Cross, Victoria, 1868-1952

Cross, Wilbur L. (Wilbur Lucius), 1862-1948

Crouch, Humphrey, active 1635-1671

Crowch, Humfrey

See: Crouch, Humphrey, active 1635-1671

Crowfield, Christopher

See: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896

Crowley, Aleister, 1875-1947

Crow, Martha Foote, 1854-1924

Crowquill, Alfred, 1804-1872

Crowther, T. S. C.

Cruickshank, Alfred Hamilton, 1862-1927

Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878

Cruikshank, Isaac Robert

See: Cruikshank, Robert, 1789-1856

Cruikshank, Robert, 1789-1856

C. S. C.

See: Calverley, Charles Stuart, 1831-1884

Cullchickweed, Ebenezer

See: Clarke, William, 1800-1838

Cullum, Ridgwell, 1867-1943

Culos, Ermes

Culter, Richard

Cumberland, Gerald, 1879-1926

Cumming, Gordon

See: Gordon-Cumming, Roualeyn, 1820-1866

Cuneo, Cyrus, 1879-1916

Cunningham, Allan, 1784-1842

Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine), 1852-1936

Cunningham, H. S. (Henry Stewart), Sir, 1832-1920

Cunningham, J. W. (John William), 1780-1861

Cunningham, Robert Hays

Curling, Henry, 1803-1864

Curry, S. S. (Samuel Silas), 1847-1921

Curties, Henry, 1860-

Curtis, Jessie

See: Shepherd, Jessie Curtis, 1842-1907

Curtis, Robert

Cushag, 1852-1937

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Custance, Olive, 1874-1944

Cutcliffe-Hyne, Charles John

See: Hyne, Charles John Cutcliffe Wright, 1866-1944

Cuthbert Conny-catcher

See: Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592

Cuthell, Edith E., -1929


Da Costa Ricci, Lewis Anselm

See: Bartimeus, 1886-1967

Dacre, Barbarina, Lady, 1767-1854

Dacre, Charlotte, 1782?-1825

Dadd, Frank, 1851-1929

  • Lettice (English) (as Illustrator)

D'Albaflor, Joan

See: Carner, Josep, 1884-1971

Dallas, Duncan C. (Duncan Campbell)

Dalton, Maria Regina

See: Roche, Regina Maria, 1764?-1845

Dalton, Moray

Dalton, O. M. (Ormonde Maddock), 1866-1945

Daly, J. Bowles (John Bowles)

Dalziel, Edward, 1817-1905

Dalziel, Edward Gurdon, 1849-1889

Dalziel, George, 1815-1902

Damiralis, Michael, 1892-1941

Danby, Frank

See: Frankau, Julia, 1864-1916

Dane, Clemence, 1888-1965

D'Anethan, Albert, Baroness

See: Anethan, Albert d', Baroness, 1860-1935

Daniel, George, 1789-1864

Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619

Dan Michel

See: Michel, Dan, active 14th century

D'Arblay, Frances Burney

See: Burney, Fanny, 1752-1840

Darcey, Ella

See: D'Arcy, Ella, 1857-1937

D'Arcy, Ella, 1857-1937

Dare, Evelyn

See: Everett-Green, Evelyn, 1856-1932

D'Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, marquis

See: Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d', 1704-1771

Dargent, Yan, 1824-1899

Darlington, W. A. (William Aubrey), 1890-1979

Darlow, T. H. (Thomas Herbert), 1858-1927

Darmesteter, Mary

See: Robinson, A. Mary F. (Agnes Mary Frances), 1857-1944

Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-1802

Darwin, Florence Henrietta Fisher, Lady, 1864-1920

Daryush, Elizabeth Bridges, 1887-1977

Dashwood, Elizabeth M.

See: Delafield, E. M., 1890-1943

Da Silva, Venancio

Davidson, John, 1857-1909

Davies, Charles Maurice, 1828-1910

Davies, John, Sir, 1569-1626

Davies, Maurice

See: Davies, Charles Maurice, 1828-1910

Davies, W. H. (William Henry), 1871-1940

Davis, Arthur Hoey

See: Rudd, Steele, 1868-1935

Davis, John, Sir

See: Davies, John, Sir, 1569-1626

Davis, John Steeple, 1844-1917

Davis, J. Watson, 1870-1959

Davison, Lawrence H. (Lawrence Herbert)

See: Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930

Davis, Stanley

Davis, Thomas Osborne, 1814-1845

Davis, Warren B., 1865-1928

Davray, Henry-D., 1873-1944

Davys, John, Sir

See: Davies, John, Sir, 1569-1626

Dawson, A. J. (Alec John), 1872-1952

Dawson Scott, C. A. (Catharine Amy), 1865-1934

Dawson, W. J. (William James), 1854-1928

Day, Bradford M.

Day, Robert Adams, 1924-

Dearing, Vinton A. (Vinton Adams), 1920-2005

Dearmer, Geoffrey, 1893-1996

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

De Boschère, Jean

See: Boschère, Jean de, 1878-1953

De Broglie, Achille-Léon-Victor

See: Broglie, Achille-Léon-Victor, duc de, 1785-1870

Debrun, Alfred

See: Hennequin, Alfred, 1842-1887

De Chastenay, Madame, (Victorine)

See: Chastenay, Madame de (Victorine), 1771-1855

De Chateaubriand, François-René

See: Chateaubriand, François-René, vicomte de, 1768-1848

Deeping, Warwick, 1877-1950

Defauconpret, A.-J.-B. (Auguste-Jean-Baptiste), 1767-1843

Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731

Degenhardt, W. (Willem), 1817-1902

Dehan, Richard, 1863-1932

De Hoghe, Andries

See: Boutens, P. C., 1870-1943

Dekker, Thomas, 1572?-1632

De Kostrowisky, Guillaume

See: Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1880-1918

De Lacy, Charles J.

Delafield, E. M., 1890-1943

De la Mare, Walter, 1873-1956

Delannoy, Burford

De La Pasture, Edmée Elizabeth Monica

See: Delafield, E. M., 1890-1943

De La Pasture, Henry, Mrs., 1866-1945

De la Ramée, Louise

See: Ouida, 1839-1908

De la Roche, Mazo, 1879-1961

De Liefde, J. B. (Jacob B.)

See: Liefde, J. B. de (Jacob B.), 1847-1878

De Lisser, Herbert George, 1878-1944

Dell, Ethel M. (Ethel May), 1881-1939

De Loghe, Sydney

See: Loch, Sydney, 1889-1954

De los Rios, R.‏ (Ricardo)

See: Los Rios, R. de‏ (Ricardo), 1846-1929

De Mandeville, Bernard

See: Mandeville, Bernard, 1670-1733

De Maris, Walter

De Miskey, Julian, 1898-1976

Democritus Junior

See: Burton, Robert, 1577-1640

De Montanclos, Louise

See: Montanclos, Louise de

De Montolieu, Isabelle

See: Montolieu, Isabelle de, 1751-1832

De Morgan, William, 1839-1917

Dempster, George, 1732-1818

Denham, John, Sir, 1615-1669

Denham, Robert

See: Vansittart, Robert Gilbert Vansittart, Baron, 1881-1957

Denison, Henry, 1810-1858

Dennis, C. J. (Clarence James), 1876-1938

Dennis, Geoffrey, 1892-1963

Dennis, John, 1825-1911

De Quincey, Thomas, 1785-1859

Dering, Ross George

See: Balfour, Frederic Henry

Derrick, Samuel, 1724-1769

Derry Down Derry

See: Lear, Edward, 1812-1888

De Scudéry, M. (Georges)

See: Scudéry, M. de (Georges), 1601-1667

Des Essarts, Alfred, 1811-1893

Desfontaines, Nicolas-Marc, -1652

Despard, C. (Charlotte), 1844-1939

Desrais, Claude Louis, 1746-1816

Destouches, Néricault, 1680-1754

De Takacs, André C.

De Thulstrup, Thure

See: Thulstrup, Thure de, 1848-1930

Devee, Sunity, Maharani of Cooch Behar

See: Sunity Devee, Maharani of Cooch Behar, 1864-1932

De Vere, Aubrey, 1814-1902

Devereux, Blanche

Devlin, Daisy

See: Ashford, Daisy, 1881-1972

Devonshire, Georgiana Spencer Cavendish, Duchess of

See: Cavendish, Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire, 1757-1806

Dewar-Mills, John

See: Mills, J. Dewar

Dewey, Alfred James, 1874-1958

De Worde, Wynkyn

See: Worde, Wynkyn de, -1535?

De Wyzewa, Teodor

See: Wyzewa, Teodor de, 1862-1917

D'Hauterive, Pierre Joseph Borel

See: Borel, Pétrus, 1809-1859

D'Humières, Robert, vicomte

See: Humières, Robert, vicomte d', 1868-1915

Díaz, Manuel Azaña y

See: Azaña, Manuel, 1880-1940

Dibdin, Thomas, 1771-1841

Dickberry, F.

See: Blaze de Bury, Fernande, 1854-1931

Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870

Dickens, Mamie, 1838-1896

Dickens, Mary Angela, 1862-1948

Dick, Hugh G. (Hugh Gilchrist), 1909-

Dickie, Francis Joseph, 1890-

Dickinson, Thomas H., 1877-1961

Dickinson, Violet Mary

Diehl, Alice M. (Alice Mangold), 1844-1912

Dilke, Charles Wentworth, Sir, 1843-1911

Dillon, John, Sir

Dingle, Aylward Edward, 1874-

Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield, 1804-1881

Disraeli, Isaac, 1766-1848

Ditchfield, P. H. (Peter Hampson), 1854-1930

Diver, Maud, 1867-1945

Dix, Beulah Marie, 1876-1970

Dixon, Charles, 1858-1926

Dixon, James Henry, 1803-1876

Dobell, Bertram, 1842-1914

Dobson, Austin, 1840-1921

Doctor Syntax

See: Combe, William, 1742-1823

Dodd, Gertrude Helena

See: Bone, Gertrude, 1876-1962

Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge

See: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898

Dodsley, Robert, 1703-1764

Donelan, A. M.

Donn-Byrne, Brian Oswald

See: Byrne, Donn, 1889-1928

Donne, John, 1572-1631

Doolittle, Hilda

See: H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961

Doré, Gustave, 1832-1883

Dorling, H. Taprell (Henry Taprell), 1883-1968

Doubleday, Thomas, 1790-1870

Doubleday, W. E. (William Elliott), 1865-

Douce, Francis, 1757-1834

Doudney, Sarah, 1843-1926

Douglas, Alfred Bruce, 1870-1945

Douglas, Bosie

See: Douglas, Alfred Bruce, 1870-1945

Douglas, David, 1823-1916

Douglas, George, 1856-1935

Douglas, James, 1867-1940

Douglas, Norman, 1868-1952

Douglas, O., 1877-1948

Douglas, Olive Eleanor Custance, Lady

See: Custance, Olive, 1874-1944

Douglas, Robert K. (Robert Kennaway), Sir, 1838-1913

Douglass, Ellsworth

Dounce, Harry Esty, 1889-

Dowden, Edward, 1843-1913

Dowling, Richard, 1846-1898

Downey, Edmund, 1856-1937

Downing, D.

  • Valerie (English) (as Illustrator)

Dowson, Ernest Christopher, 1867-1900

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930

Doyle, John

See: Graves, Robert, 1895-1985

Doyle, Richard, 1824-1883

Drach, Wilhelm

See: Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883

Dragt, A. J. van

Drake, Nathan, 1766-1836

Draper, Elizabeth, 1744-1778

Draper, Herbert James, 1864-1920

Drawcansir, Alexander, Sir

See: Fielding, Henry, 1707-1754

Drayson, Alfred W. (Alfred Wilks), 1827-1901

Drayton, Michael, 1563-1631

Drew, Francis Browning, Count Bickerstaffe-Drew

See: Ayscough, John, 1858-1928

Drinkwater, John, 1882-1937

Dronsart, M. (Marie)


See: Halidom, M. Y., 1838-1914

Dryden, John, 1631-1700

Dubarry, Gustave

Dublin Jack

See: Saul, Jack, 1857-1904

Duchess, 1855?-1897

Duckitt, Mabel, 1881-

Duclaux, Agnes Mary Frances Robinson

See: Robinson, A. Mary F. (Agnes Mary Frances), 1857-1944

Dudley Tennant, Charles

See: Tennant, C. Dudley (Charles Dudley), 1866-1952

Duer, Douglas, 1887-1964

Duffle, Thomas

See: Galt, John, 1779-1839

Duffy, Charles Gavan, Sir, 1816-1903

Dugdale, Thomas Cantrell, 1880-1952

Dugdale, William, 1800-1868

Dulac, Edmund, 1882-1953

Dulcken, H. W. (Henry William), 1832-1894

Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870

Du Maurier, George, 1834-1896

Dum-Dum, 1869-1952

Duncan, John, 1866-1945

Dunkerley, William Arthur

See: Oxenham, John, 1852-1941

Dunsany, Lord, 1878-1957

Dunton, Larkin, 1828-1899

Dunton, W. Herbert, 1878-1936

Durham, W. H. (Willard Higley), 1883-

Durning-Lawrence, Edwin, Sir, 1837-1914

Duthie, William


Dutt, Toru, 1856-1877

Dutt, William A. (William Alfred), 1870-1939

Dwyer, James Francis, 1874-1952

Dyce, Alexander, 1798-1869

Dyce, Gilbert

See: Fitzgerald, Percy, 1834-1925

Dyer, T. F. Thiselton (Thomas Firminger Thiselton)

See: Thiselton-Dyer, T. F. (Thomas Firminger), 1848-1923

Dyson, Edward, 1865-1931

Dyson, Mr.

See: Smith, Sydney, 1771-1845

Eade, Peter, Sir, 1825-1915

Earle, John, 1601?-1665

Earle, John, 1824-1903

Earnshaw, Elizabeth

See: Bellows, Elizabeth

Earp, T. W. (Thomas Wade), 1892-1958

Eastaway, Edward

See: Thomas, Edward, 1878-1917

Easton, Dorothy, 1889-

Eaton, Charlotte

Eaton, Wyatt, 1849-1896

Ebsworth, Joseph Woodfall, 1824-1908

Eccott, W. J.

Eden, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1839-1900

Eden, Emily, 1797-1869

Eden, Helen Parry, 1885-1960

Eden, Horatia K. F.

Edgar, John G. (John George), 1834-1864

Edgar, John, Sir

See: Steele, Richard, Sir, 1672-1729

Edgar, Pelham, 1871-1948

Edgcumbe, Richard, 1843-1937

Edgeworth, Maria, 1767-1849

Edginton, May, 1883-1957

Edington, May

See: Edginton, May, 1883-1957

Edmond, John Philip, 1850-1906

Edmonds, Charles, 1770-1827

Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford, 1831-1892

Edwards, George Wharton, 1859-1950

Edwards, H. C. (Harry C.), 1868-1922

Edwards, Pierrepont

Edwards, Robert, 1879-1948

Egan, Maurice Francis, 1852-1924

Egan, Pierce, 1772-1849

Egerton, Beatrice

  • Lippa (English) (as Author)

Egerton, George, 1859-1945

Elbertus, Fra

See: Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915

Eleutherus, Philonomus

See: Arbuthnot, John, 1667-1735

Elfric, Abbot of Eynsham

See: Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham, 955?-1020?

Elgee, Harriet W. (Harriet Wragg), 1881-

Elgood, George Samuel, 1851-1943

Eliot, Charles William, 1834-1926

Eliot, George, 1819-1880

Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965

Elisabeth, Charlotte

See: Charlotte Elizabeth, 1790-1846

Ellacombe, Henry Nicholson, 1821-1916

Elles, Dora Amy

See: Wentworth, Patricia, 1878-1961

Elliot, Frances Minto Dickinson, 1820-1898

Elliott, Elizabeth Shippen Green, 1871-1954

Ellis, Beth, 1874-1913

Ellis, George, 1753-1815

Ellis, Havelock, 1859-1939

Ellis, John Fanshawe

See: Wilde, Lady, 1821-1896

Ellis, Leigh

Ellis, Walter, 1874-1956

Ellwanger, George H. (George Herman), 1848-1906

Elo, Emil, 1879-1953

Elson, William H. (William Harris), 1856-1935

Elvery, Beatrice

Elwin, Whitwell, 1816-1900

E. M.

Emanuel, Walter, 1869-1915

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882

Engelbach, Alfred H.


Ernle, Rowland Edmund Prothero, Baron

See: Prothero, Rowland E. (Rowland Edmund), Baron Ernle, 1851-1937

Ernst Browning, William, 1830-

Ernst, Otto

See: Schmidt, Otto Ernst, 1862-1926

Errym, M. J. (Malcolm James)

See: Rymer, James Malcolm, 1814?-1884

Erskine, Andrew, 1739-1793

Erskine, John, 1879-1951

Ervine, St. John G. (St. John Greer), 1883-1971

Escott-Inman, H. (Herbert)

See: Inman, Herbert

Escott, T. H. S. (Thomas Hay Sweet), 1844-1924

Essarts, Alfred des

See: Des Essarts, Alfred, 1811-1893

Esse, James

See: Stephens, James, 1882-1950

Estlander, Carl Gustaf, 1834-1910

Estrange, A. G. K. l' (Alfred Guy Kingan)

See: L'Estrange, A. G. K. (Alfred Guy Kingan), 1832-1915

Etching Club (London, England)

Eustace, Robert, 1854-1943

Evans, Anne Adeliza

See: Raine, Allen, 1836-1908

Evans, Caradoc, 1878-1945

Evans, Edmund, 1826-1905

Evans, L.

Evans, Mary Anne

See: Eliot, George, 1819-1880

Evelyn, John, 1620-1706

Everett-Green, Evelyn, 1856-1932

Ewan, Frances

Ewart, Ernest Andrew

See: Cable, Boyd, 1878-1943

Ewing, Juliana Horatia, 1841-1885


See: Young, William, 1809-1888

Eyles, Leonora, 1889-1960

Eyre-Todd, George, 1862-1937

Fabulet, Louis, 1862-1933

Fagan, James, 1864-

Fairfield, Cecily Isabel

See: West, Rebecca, 1892-1983

Fairlegh, Frank

See: Smedley, Frank E. (Frank Edward), 1818-1864

Fairless, Michael, 1869-1901

Falconer, Lanoe, 1848-1908

Falconer, William, 1732-1769

Falkner, John Meade, 1858-1932

Fall, Marcus

See: Dowling, Richard, 1846-1898

Falstaffe, John, Sir

Fancher, Louis D., 1884-1944

Fanu, Brinsley Le

See: Le Fanu, Brinsley, 1854-1929

Fanu, Joseph Sheridan Le

See: Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan, 1814-1873

Farjeon, B. L. (Benjamin Leopold), 1833-1903

Farjeon, Eleanor, 1881-1965

Farmer, John Stephen, 1854-1916

Farnol, Jeffery, 1878-1952

Farquhar, George, 1677?-1707

Farrand, Charles D.

Farrar, F. W. (Frederic William), 1831-1903

Farrer, Reginald, 1880-1920

Farrow, G. E. (George Edward), 1866-

Fauconpret, C. (Auguste-Jean-Baptiste)

See: Defauconpret, A.-J.-B. (Auguste-Jean-Baptiste), 1767-1843

Faust, Cosette

See: Newton, Cosette Faust, 1889-

Favorin, Hanna, 1845-1919

Fawcett, E. Douglas (Edward Douglas), 1866-1960

Feilde, Nathan

See: Field, Nathaniel, 1587-1620?

Feis, Jacob, 1842-1900

Felix, Charles, 1833-1903

Felkin, Alfred Laurence, Mrs.

See: Fowler, Ellen Thorneycroft, 1860-1929

Fenn, George Manville, 1831-1909

Fenwick, E. (Eliza), 1766-1840

Ferguson, J. A.

Fernández de Moratín, Leandro, 1760-1828

Fernand, Marie de

See: Perceval, Victor, 1835-1887

Ferrando, Martinez

Ferrar, William John, 1868-

Ferrier, Susan, 1782-1854

Feuillet, Octave, 1821-1890

Ffeilde, Nathan

See: Field, Nathaniel, 1587-1620?

Field, Benjamin Rush, 1861-1935

Fielding, Henry, 1707-1754

Fielding, Jane

Fielding, Sarah, 1710-1768

Field, Michael

Field, Nathaniel, 1587-1620?

Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881

Fildes, Luke, Sir, 1844-1927


See: Jerrold, Blanchard, 1826-1884

Finne, Jalmari, 1874-1938

Firbank, Ronald, 1886-1926

Firkins, Oscar W., 1864-1932

Fischer, Kuno, 1824-1907

Fisher, Harrison, 1875-1934

Fish, Simon, -1531

Fiske, Ralph Browning

Fitch, George Hamlin, 1852-1925

Fittis, Robert Scott, 1824-1903

Fitz-Adam, Adam

See: Moore, Edward, 1712-1757

FitzGerald, Edward, 1809-1883

Fitzgerald, Percy, 1834-1925

Fitzpatrick, Kathleen

Fitzpatrick, Percy, 1862-1931

Flagg, James Montgomery, 1877-1960

Flanery, M. L.

Flatman, Thomas, 1637-1688

Fleay, Frederick Gard, 1831-1909

Flebbe, Beulah Dix

See: Dix, Beulah Marie, 1876-1970

Flecker, James Elroy, 1884-1915

Fleming, Brandon

Fleming, Dorothy Leigh Sayers

See: Sayers, Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh), 1893-1957

Fleming, Oliver

Fletcher, Giles, 1549?-1611

Fletcher, John, 1579-1625

Fletcher, John Gould, 1886-1950

Fletcher, J. S. (Joseph Smith), 1863-1935

Fletcher, Lawrence

Fletcher, Robert Huntington, 1875-1919

Flight, Edward G.

Flint, F. S. (Frank Stewart), 1885-1960

Flint, Violet

Flint, W. Russell (William Russell), 1880-1969

Flynn, Brian

Foot, Edward Edwin

Foote, G. W. (George William), 1850-1915

Foote, Samuel, 1720-1777

Foot, Samuel

See: Foote, Samuel, 1720-1777

Forbes, Archibald, 1838-1900

Forbes Dennis, Phyllis

See: Bottome, Phyllis, 1882-1963

Forbes, Ernest, 1879-1962

Forbes, George, 1849-1936

Ford, Douglas Morey, 1851-1916

Ford, Ford Madox, 1873-1939

Ford, H. J. (Henry Justice), 1860-1941

Ford, Richard, 1796-1858

Forester, George

See: Greenwood, George, Sir, 1850-1928

Forestier, A. (Amédée), 1854-1930

Forfar, William Bentinck, 1810-1895

Forman, H. Buxton (Harry Buxton), 1842-1917

Forrester, Andrew

Forrest, E. W. (Edmund William), -1880

Forsman, Anton Oskar, 1850-1914

Forsman, Kaarlo, 1851-1918

Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1879-1970

Forster, John, 1812-1876

Foster, A. J.

Foster, Birket

See: Foster, Myles Birket, 1825-1899

Foster, Marcia Lane

Foster, Myles Birket, 1825-1899

Fothergill, Jessie, 1851-1891

Foulis, Hugh

See: Munro, Neil, 1864-1930

Fountaine-Walker, Ch. (Charles), 1859-

Fowler, Ellen Thorneycroft, 1860-1929

Fox, Susanna

See: Centlivre, Susanna, 1667?-1723

Francis, Francis

Francis, M. E., -1930


See: Michel, Francisque, 1809-1887

Frankau, Gilbert, 1884-1952

Frankau, Julia, 1864-1916

Franklin, Miles, 1879-1954

Frary, Raoul, 1842-1892

Fraser, Alexander, Mrs., 1829-1908

Fraser, Francis Arthur, 1846-1924

Frederick, Edmund, 1870-

Frederickson, Charles William, 1823-1897


See: Wagstaffe, William, 1685-1725

Freeman, Edward A. (Edward Augustus), 1823-1892

Freeman, John, 1880-1929

Freeman, R. Austin (Richard Austin), 1862-1943

Freeman, Susanna

See: Centlivre, Susanna, 1667?-1723

Freeth, Lizzie A.

French, H.

French, Henry, active 1868-1875

Frere, John Hookham, 1769-1846

Frikki, Aiko

Frith, Walter

Froest, Frank

Frost, A. B. (Arthur Burdett), 1851-1928

Froude, James Anthony, 1818-1894

Fry, Sheila Kaye-Smith

See: Kaye-Smith, Sheila, 1887-1956

Fuess, Claude Moore, 1885-1963

Fuhr, E. (Ernest), 1874-1933

  • Vayenne (English) (as Illustrator)

Fullerton, Georgiana, 1812-1885

Fulleylove, John, 1847-1908

Furniss, Harry, 1854-1925

Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910

Furphy, Joseph, 1843-1912

Fussell, J. C. (James Coldham), 1874-1945

Fyleman, Rose, 1877-1957

Gale, Norman, 1862-1942

Gallienne, Richard Le

See: Le Gallienne, Richard, 1866-1947

Gallimard, Paul, 1850-1929

Gallon, Tom, 1866-1914

Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933

Galt, John, 1779-1839

Gambado, Geoffrey

See: Bunbury, Henry William, 1750-1811

Gardiner, A. G. (Alfred George), 1865-1946

Gardiner, Clive, 1891-1960

Gardner, Charles, 1874-

Gardner-Soper, James Hamlin

See: Soper, James Hamlin Gardner, 1877-1939

Garnett, David, 1892-1981

Garnett, Edward, 1868-1937

Garnett, James Mercer, 1840-1916

Garnett, R. A. (Rachel Alice)

Garnett, Richard, 1835-1906

Garrett, Edmund H. (Edmund Henry), 1853-1929

Garrett, Edward

See: Mayo, Isabella Fyvie, 1843-1914

Garrick, David, 1717-1779

Garstin, Crosbie, 1887-1930

Garvice, Charles, 1850-1920

Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 1810-1865

Gatty, Alfred, 1813-1903

Gatty, Horatia K. F.

See: Eden, Horatia K. F.

Gaulke, Johannes, 1869-

Gaultier, Bon

See: Martin, Theodore, Sir, 1816-1909

Gaunt, Mary, 1861-1942

Gausseron, Bernard Henri, 1845-1913

Gavarni, Paul, 1804-1866

Gay, John, 1685-1732

Gayley, Charles Mills, 1858-1932

Gayton, Bertram, 1893-1969

Geddie, John, 1848-1937

Gellibrand, Emma

Gentleman Johnny

See: Burgoyne, John, 1722-1792

Gent, Thomas, 1780-

George, Andrew Jackson, 1855-1907

George, Walter Lionel, 1882-1926

Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire

See: Cavendish, Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire, 1757-1806

Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794

Gibbon, Perceval, 1879-1926

Gibbs, Philip, 1877-1962

Giberne, Agnes, 1845-1939

Gibson, Alexander Craig, 1813-1874

Gibson, George Herbert, 1846-1921

Gibson, John Monro, 1838-1921

Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson, 1878-1962

Gibson, William A., 1932-

Gide, André, 1869-1951

Gifford, William, 1756-1826

Gilbert, Bernard, 1882-1927

Gilbert, C. Allan

Gilbert, Frederick, 1827-1902

Gilbert, John, 1817-1897

Gilbert, Rosa M. (Rosa Mulholland), 1841-1921

Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911

Gilchrist, Anne (Anne Burrows), 1828-1885

Gilder, Jeannette L. (Jeannette Leonard), 1849-1916

Gilder, Joseph Benson, 1858-1936

Gilfillan, George, 1813-1878

Gillett, Frank, 1874-1927

Gillington, May Clarissa

See: Byron, May, 1861-1936

Gillman, James, 1782-1839

Gilson, Charles, 1878-1943

Gissing, George, 1857-1903

Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart), 1809-1898

Glanville, Ernest, 1856-1925

Gleeson, Joseph M. (Joseph Michael), 1861-1917

Glidden, Carlton

Glover, Arnold, 1865-1905

Glover, John, librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge

Glyn, Elinor, 1864-1943

Goble, Warwick, 1862-1943

Godden, G. M. (Gertrude M.), 1867-1947

Godley, A. D. (Alfred Denis), 1856-1925

Godolphin, Mary

See: Aikin, Lucy, 1781-1864

Godwin, Francis, 1562-1633

Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft

See: Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797

Godwin, William, 1756-1836

Goeverneur, J. J. A. (Johan Jacob Antonie), 1809-1889

Gogh-Kaulbach, Anna van, 1869-1960

Golding, Louis, 1895-1958

Goldring, Douglas, 1887-1960

Goldsmid, Edmund

Goldsmith, Oliver, 1730?-1774

Goldsmith, Peter

See: Priestley, J. B. (John Boynton), 1894-1984

Goldsmith, Wallace, 1873-1945

Gomme, George Laurence, 1853-1916

Gonsales, Domingo

See: Godwin, Francis, 1562-1633

Goodchild, George, 1888-

Goodfellow, Robin

See: Galt, John, 1779-1839

Gordon, Adam Lindsay, 1833-1870

Gordon-Cumming, Roualeyn, 1820-1866

Gordon, I. R. F., 1939-

Gordon Smythies, Mrs., 1813?-1883

Gordon-Stables, W.

See: Stables, Gordon, 1840-1910

Gore, Mrs. (Catherine Grace Frances), 1799-1861

Gorguet, Auguste-François-Marie, 1862-1927

Gosse, Edmund, 1849-1928

Gough, George W.

Gould, Bernard

See: Partridge, Bernard, 1861-1945

Gould, F. Carruthers (Francis Carruthers), 1844-1925

Gould, Nat, 1857-1919

Gould, Sabine Baring

See: Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine), 1834-1924

Gowans, Adam L. (Adam Luke)

Gower, John, 1325?-1408

Grace, Alfred A. (Alfred Augustus), 1867-1942

Graham, Alan

Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779

Grahame, Kenneth, 1859-1932

Graham, Ennis

See: Molesworth, Mrs., 1839-1921

Graham, Harry, 1874-1936

Graham, John W. (John William), 1859-1932

Graham, John W. (John William), active 1886-1887

Graham, Robert Bontine Cunninghame

See: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine), 1852-1936

Graham, Winifred (Matilda Winifred Muriel)

Graindorge, Frédéric-Thomas

See: Taine, Hippolyte, 1828-1893

Grainger, Francis Edward

See: Hill, Headon, 1857-1927

Grand, Sarah, 1854-1943

Grant, C. D.

See: Novice, active 19th century

Grant, Duncan, 1885-1978

Grant, James, 1822-1887

Granville-Barker, Harley, 1877-1946

Grassal, Georges-Joseph

See: Rebell, Hugues, 1867-1905

Graves, Charles L. (Charles Larcom), 1856-1944

Graves, Clotilde Inez Mary

See: Dehan, Richard, 1863-1932

Graves, Robert, 1895-1985

Gray, David, 1838-1861

Gray, John, 1866-1934

Gray, Thomas, 1716-1771

Green, Charles, 1840-1898

Greene, Herbert W. (Herbert Wilson), 1857-1933

Greene, J. B.

Green, Elizabeth Shippen

See: Elliott, Elizabeth Shippen Green, 1871-1954

Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592

Green, Henry, 1801-1873

Greenwood, George, Sir, 1850-1928

Grefé, Will

Gregg, Hilda Caroline

See: Grier, Sydney C., 1868-1933

Grego, Joseph, 1843-1908

Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932

Gregory, Owen

Gregory, William Robert, 1881-1918

Greg, Percy, 1836-1889

Greg, W. W. (Walter Wilson), 1875-1959

Greiffenhagen, Maurice, 1862-1931

Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, Sir, 1865-1940

Grey, Frank R.

Grey, Mrs. (Elizabeth Caroline), 1798-1869

Gribble, Francis Henry, 1862-1946

Gribbon, William Lancaster

See: Mundy, Talbot, 1879-1940

Grieffenhagen, Maurice, 1862-1931

Grierson, Elizabeth W. (Elizabeth Wilson)

Grierson, Herbert John Clifford, Sir, 1866-1960

Grier, Sydney C., 1868-1933

Griffin, Bartholomew, -1602

Griffin, Gerald, 1803-1840

Griffin, Gregory

See: Canning, George, 1770-1827

Griffinhoof, Arthur

See: Colman, George, 1762-1836

Griffith, George Chetwynd, 1857-1906

Griffiths, Arthur, 1838-1908

Grimm, Florence M. (Florence Marie)

Grimshaw, Beatrice, 1871-1953

Grimshawe, T. S. (Thomas Shuttleworth), 1778-1850

Griset, Ernest Henry, 1844-1907

Groesbeck, Dan Sayre, 1878-1950

Grolier, Pierre

Grolleau, Charles, 1867-1940

  • Intentions (French) (as Author of introduction, etc.)

Groome, Francis Hindes, 1851-1902

Groome, William H. C.

Grosart, Alexander Balloch, 1827-1899

Grossmith, George, 1847-1912

Grossmith, Weedon, 1852-1919

Groves, J. Percy (John Percy)

Grundy, Sydney, 1848-1914

Grunwald, Charles

Gualterus, Petrus

See: Fielding, Henry, 1707-1754

Guedalla, Philip, 1889-1944

Guerinot, J. V. (Joseph V.), 1928-

Guiccioli, Teresa, contessa di, 1800-1873

Guiffrey, Georges, 1827-1887

Guiney, Louise Imogen, 1861-1920

Guipon, Leon

Guizot, François, 1787-1874

Gulick, Sidney L. (Sidney Lewis), 1902-1988

Gull, Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger

See: Thorne, Guy, 1875-1923

Gummere, Francis Barton, 1855-1919

Gunning, Mrs. (Susannah), 1740?-1800

Gurney, Alfred, 1845-1898

Gurney, Ivor, 1890-1937

Guthrie, Ellen Emma

Guthrie, Thomas Anstey

See: Anstey, F., 1856-1934

Gutmann, Bessie Pease, 1876-1960

Gutteling, Alex., 1884-1910

Guyton, Bertram Edgar

See: Gayton, Bertram, 1893-1969

Guyumchian, Tigran

See: Arlen, Michael, 1895-1956

Gwynn, John, 1713-1786

Gwynn, Stephen Lucius, 1864-1950

Gye, Hal, 1888-1967

Haapanen-Tallgren, Tyyni

See: Tuulio, Tyyni, 1892-1991

Haben, Parson

Habington, William, 1605-1654

Hadden, J. Cuthbert (James Cuthbert), 1861-1914

Hadow, Grace E. (Grace Eleanor), 1875-1940

Hafiz, active 14th century

Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider), 1856-1925

Haggard, Mary

See: Anethan, Albert d', Baroness, 1860-1935

Hake, Thomas Gordon, 1809-1895

Haldeman-Julius, E. (Emanuel), 1888-1951

Hales, John W. (John Wesley), 1836-1914

Halidom, M. Y., 1838-1914

Halifax, Clifford

Hall, Anna Maria Fielding

See: Hall, S. C., Mrs., 1800-1881

Halleck, Reuben Post, 1859-1936

Hall, Edith King

Halliday, Andrew

Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. (James Orchard), 1820-1889

Hall, J. Lesslie (John Lesslie), 1856-1928

Hall, Joseph, 1854-

Hall, Radclyffe, 1886-1943

Hall, S. C., Mrs., 1800-1881

Hall, S. Elizabeth

Halsey, Francis W. (Francis Whiting), 1851-1919

Hämeen-Anttila, Mary

Hämeen-Anttila, Väinö, 1878-1942

Hamerton, Philip Gilbert, 1834-1894

Hamilton, Cicely, 1872-1952

Hamilton, Clive

See: Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963

Hamilton, Cosmo, 1872?-1942

Hamilton, John A. (John Arthur), 1845-

Hamilton, Mary, Lady, 1739-1816

Hamilton, William

See: Head, Richard, 1637?-1686?

Hammerton, John Alexander, Sir, 1871-1949

Hammond, Christine M. Demain, active 1886-1910

Hammond, Gertrude Demain, 1862-1952

Haney, John Louis, 1877-1960

Hankinson, Charles James

See: Holland, Clive, 1866-1959

Hankin, St. John, 1869-1909

Hanmer, Thomas, Sir, 1677-1746

Hannan, Charles, 1863-1922

Hannay, David, 1853-1934

Hannay, James Owen

See: Birmingham, George A., 1865-1950

Hanson, Charles Lane, 1870-

Harbitz, Alf, 1880-1964

Hardie, Charles Martin, 1858-1916

Hardman, Frederick, 1814-1874

Hardy, David Paul Frederick

See: Hardy, Paul, 1862-1942

Hardy, Dudley, 1867-1922

Hardy, Paul, 1862-1942

Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928

Hare, Augustus J. C. (Augustus John Cuthbert), 1834-1903

Harford, Henry

See: Hudson, W. H. (William Henry), 1841-1922

Hargrave, Abbie

See: Truscott, L. Parry

Hargrove, Henry Lee

Harker, L. Allen (Lizzie Allen), 1863-1933

Harley, Ethel Brilliana

See: Alec-Tweedie, Mrs. (Ethel), 1862-1940

Harley, Harold

See: Ambient, Mark, 1860-1937

Harman, Thomas, active 1567

Harned, Thomas Biggs, 1851-1921

Harper, Charles G. (Charles George), 1863-1943

Harraden, Beatrice, 1864-1936

Harral, Horace

Harries, E.

Harries, Richard

See: Ingoldsby, Thomas, 1788-1845

Harrington, Joseph F.

See: O'Brien, Edward J. (Edward Joseph), 1890-1941

Harris, Augustus, 1852-1896

Harris, Frank, 1856-1931

Harris, Joseph, 1650?-1715?

Harrison, Charles, -1943

Harrison, Frederic, 1831-1923

Harrison, James A. (James Albert), 1848-1911

Harrison, Mary St. Leger Kingsley

See: Malet, Lucas, 1852-1931

Harris, Richard, 1833-1906

Harte, Walter, 1709-1774

Hart, Fanny Wheeler

  • Harry (English) (as Author)

Harting, James Edmund, 1841-1928

Hartley, John, 1839-1915

Hartstonge, Matthew Weld, 1773?-

Hary, Blind

See: Blind Hary, active 1470-1492

Haselden, William, 1872-1953

Haslehust, E. W., 1866-1949

Haslewood, Joseph, 1769-1833

Hassall, John, 1868-1948

Hatherell, William, 1855-1928

Hatteras, Owen

See: Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956

Hatton, G. Noel

See: Caird, Mona, 1854-1932

Hatzigavriil, M.

Hausknecht, Emil, 1853-1927

Haviland, Frank

  • Susan (English) (as Illustrator)

Haviland, Maud D. (Maud Doria), 1891?-1941

Haweis, Mary Eliza Joy, 1852-1898

Hawes, Stephen, -1523?

Hawker, Mary Elizabeth

See: Falconer, Lanoe, 1848-1908

Hawkesworth, John, 1715?-1773

Hawkins, Anthony Hope

See: Hope, Anthony, 1863-1933

Hawthorne, Julian, 1846-1934

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864

Hayashi, Kiyotoshi

Hayens, Herbert, 1861-1944

Hayez, Francesco, 1791-1882

Hay, Ian, 1876-1952

Hayley, William, 1745-1820

Hays, Mary, 1760?-1843

Hayward, A. (Abraham), 1801-1884

Hayward, Rachel, 1886-

Haywood, Eliza Fowler, 1693?-1756

Hazlitt, William, 1778-1830

Hazlitt, William Carew, 1834-1913

H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961

Head, Franklin H. (Franklin Harvey), 1832-1914

Head, Richard, 1637?-1686?

Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904

Hecht, Anthony, 1923-2004

Hector, Annie French

See: Alexander, Mrs., 1825-1902

Hedge, Mary Ann

Hedley-Peek, Francis

See: Peek, Hedley, 1858-1904

Hedman, Valfrid, 1872-1939

Heelis, Beatrix

See: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943

Heino, Teppo

Hela, Martti

Heldman, Richard Bernard

See: Marsh, Richard, 1857-1915

Helforth, John

See: H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961

Helm, D. A.

Helm, W. H. (William Henry), 1860-1936

Helps, Arthur, Sir, 1813-1875

Helve, Uuno, 1878-1936

Hemingway, Percy

See: Addleshaw, Percy, 1866-1916

Hemmerde, Edward G. (Edward George), 1871-

Henham, Ernest G. (Ernest George)

See: Trevena, John, 1870-

Henley, William Ernest, 1849-1903

Hennequin, Alfred, 1842-1887

Hennessy, William John, 1839-1917


See: Blind Hary, active 1470-1492

Henry, the Minstrel

See: Blind Hary, active 1470-1492

Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902

Herbert, A. P. (Alan Patrick), 1890-1971

Herford, C. H. (Charles Harold), 1853-1931

Hergesheimer, Joseph, 1880-1954

Hering, Henry Augustus, 1864-

Hermes, Trismegistus

Herrick, Robert, 1591-1674

Herring, Geilles

See: Somerville, E. Oe. (Edith Oenone), 1858-1949

Hervey, John Hervey, Baron, 1696-1743

Herzog, Émile Salomon Wilhelm

See: Maurois, André, 1885-1967

Hesketh-Prichard, Hesketh Vernon

See: Prichard, Hesketh Vernon Hesketh, 1876-1922

Hesketh Prichard, K. (Kate)

See: Prichard, K. (Kate)

Hewet, Henry W.

Hewett-Thayer, Harvey W. (Harvey Waterman), 1873-

Hewlett, Maurice, 1861-1923

Heyer, Georgette, 1902-1974

Heyer, Hermann, 1876-1950

Hichens, Robert, 1864-1950

Hickey, Emily Henrietta, 1845-1924

Higginson, Agnes Shakespeare

See: O'Neill, Moira, 1864-1955

Hilles, Frederick Whiley, 1900-

Hill, George Birbeck

See: Hill, George Birkbeck Norman, 1835-1903

Hill, George Birkbeck Norman, 1835-1903

Hill, Headon, 1857-1927

Hill, H. Haverstock

See: Walsh, J. M. (James Morgan), 1897-1952

Hilliers, Ashton

Hindley, Charles, -1893

Hine, Muriel

Hinkson, Katharine Tynan

See: Tynan, Katharine, 1861-1931

Hoare, Edward N., 1842-

Hobbes, John Oliver, 1867-1906

Hocking, Joseph, 1860-1937

Hocking, Silas K. (Silas Kitto), 1850-1935

Hodder, Edwin, 1837-1904

Hodell, Charles W. (Charles Wesley), 1872-1925

Hodgson, E. S. (Edward Smith), 1866-1937

Hodgson, William Hope, 1877-1918

Hoerschelmann, Rolf von, 1885-1947

Hofland, Mrs. (Barbara), 1770-1844

Hogarth, Georgina, 1827-1917

Hogarth, William, 1697-1764

Hoggans, T.

Hogg, Cervantes

See: Barrett, Eaton Stannard, 1786-1820

Hogg, James, 1770-1835

Hogg, James, 1830-1910

Hogg, Thomas Jefferson, 1792-1862

Hoghe, Andries de

See: Boutens, P. C., 1870-1943

Holcroft, Thomas, 1745-1809

Holdreth, Lionel H.

See: Greg, Percy, 1836-1889

Holdsworth, Gladys Bronwyn

See: Stern, G. B. (Gladys Bronwyn), 1890-1973

Holgate, Ernest Forbes

See: Forbes, Ernest, 1879-1962

Holiday, Henry, 1839-1927

Holland, Clive, 1866-1959

Holland, Rupert Sargent, 1878-1952

Holliday, Robert Cortes, 1880-1947

Hollo, J. A. (Juho Aukusti), 1885-1967

Holloway, W. Herbert

Holme, Constance

Holmes, Gordon

See: Tracy, Louis, 1863-1928

Holroyd, Henry North, Earl of Sheffield

See: Sheffield, Henry North Holroyd, Earl of, 1832-1909

Holt, Emily Sarah, 1836-1893

Holt, Lucius Hudson, 1881-1953

Holt-White, W. (William), 1878-1937

Hone, William, 1780-1842

Hood, Frances Freeling

See: Broderip, Frances Freeling, 1830-1878

Hood, George, 1869-1949

Hood, G. P. Jacomb (George Percy Jacomb)

See: Jacomb Hood, G. P. (George Percy), 1857-1929

Hood, Thomas, 1799-1845

Hood, Tom, 1835-1874

Hook, Lucyle

Hook, Theodore Edward, 1788-1841

Hoole, Barbara

See: Hofland, Mrs. (Barbara), 1770-1844

Hooper, James

Hooton, Charles, 1813?-1847

Hope, Anthony, 1863-1933

Hope, F. T. L.

See: Farrar, F. W. (Frederic William), 1831-1903

Hope, Laurence, 1865-1904

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 1844-1889?

Hopkins, R. Thurston (Robert Thurston), 1884-1958

Hornbook, Adam

See: Cooper, Thomas, 1805-1892

Horn, Holloway, 1886-

Hornung, E. W. (Ernest William), 1866-1921

Horsley, Reginald, 1863-1926

Hottinger, W. A.

Houghton, Carolyn Wells

See: Wells, Carolyn, 1862-1942

Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, Baron

See: Milnes, Richard Monckton, Baron Houghton, 1809-1885

Housman, A. E. (Alfred Edward), 1859-1936

Housman, Clemence, 1861-1955

Housman, Laurence, 1865-1959

Houstis, Louise L.

Howard Coungeau, Emily‏

See: Coungeau, E.‏ (Emily), 1860-1936

Howard, Edward, -1841

Howard, Frederick, Earl of Carlisle

See: Carlisle, Frederick Howard, Earl of, 1748-1825

Howard, Gorges Edmond, 1715-1786

Howard, Leon, 1903-1982

Howitt, William, 1792-1879

Hubback, Mrs. (Catherine-Anne Austen), 1818-1877

Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915

Hudson, Henry Norman, 1814-1886

Hudson, Stephen, 1868-1944

Hudson, W. H. (William Henry), 1841-1922

Hudson, William Henry, 1862-1918

Hueffer, Ford Madox

See: Ford, Ford Madox, 1873-1939

Hueffer, Francis, 1845-1889

Hughes, C. E. (Cecil Eldred), 1875-1941

Hughes, James L. (James Laughlin), 1846-1935

Hughes, L. K.

Hughes, Richard Arthur Warren, 1900-1976

Hughes, Thomas, 1822-1896

Hughes, T. M. (Terence McMahon), 1812-1849

Hughes, William R. (William Richard), 1830-1899

Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885

Hulbert, James R. (James Root), 1884-1969

Hull, E. M. (Edith Maude), 1880-1947

Hume, Alexander, schoolmaster

Hume, Fergus, 1859-1932

Humières, Robert, vicomte d', 1868-1915

Humphrey, Harry E. (Harry Ervin), 1873-1947

Humphrey, Lizbeth Bullock, 1841-

Humphreys, Eliza Margaret J. Gollan

See: Rita, 1860-1938

Humphreys, Henry Noel, 1810-1879

Hungerford, Margaret Wolfe Hamilton

See: Duchess, 1855?-1897

Hunt, Aubrey Thomas De Vere

See: De Vere, Aubrey, 1814-1902

Hunter, Joseph, 1783-1861

Hunt, Isobel Violet

See: Hunt, Violet, 1862-1942

Hunt, Kathleen

See: Caffyn, Mannington, Mrs., -1926

Hunt, Leigh, 1784-1859

Hunt, Samuel Syrus

See: Moore, Bernard, 1873-

Hunt, Violet, 1862-1942

Hurd, Richard, 1720-1808

Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman, 1843-1930

Huskinson, Richard King

See: King, Richard, 1879-1947

Hutcheson, John C. (John Conroy)

Hutchinson, A. S. M. (Arthur Stuart-Menteth), 1880-1971

Hutchinson, Thomas

Huth, Alexander

See: Halidom, M. Y., 1838-1914

Hutton, Richard Holt, 1826-1897

Hutton, William Holden, 1860-1930

Huxley, Aldous, 1894-1963

Hyatt, Stanley Portal, 1877-1914

Hyberdyne, Parson‏

See: Haben, Parson

Hyde, Douglas, 1860-1949

Hyde, William Henry, 1858-1925

Hyland, Fred

Hyne, Charles John Cutcliffe Wright, 1866-1944

Hyne, Cutcliffe

See: Hyne, Charles John Cutcliffe Wright, 1866-1944

Hynynen, Ville

I. E. M.

I. F. M. (Isabella Fyvie Mayo)

See: Mayo, Isabella Fyvie, 1843-1914

Ignatius, Father, O.S.B., 1837-1908


See: Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599

Impivaara, Heikki

See: Impiwaara, Heikki, 1876-1964

Impiwaara, Heikki, 1876-1964

Inchbald, Mrs., 1753-1821

Inchfawn, Fay, 1880-1978

Ingelo, Nathaniel, 1621?-1683

Ingelow, Jean, 1820-1897

Ingersoll, Robert Green, 1833-1899

Inge, William Ralph, 1860-1954

Ingleby, C. M. (Clement Mansfield), 1823-1886

Ingleby, Leonard Cresswell, 1876-1923

Ingledew, Christopher James Davison, 1833-

Ingoldsby, Thomas, 1788-1845

Ingpen, Roger, 1869?-1936

Inman, Herbert

Ionson, Ben

See: Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637

Iota (Mrs. Mannington Caffyn)

See: Caffyn, Mannington, Mrs., -1926

Iribas, Juan L.


See: Gibson, George Herbert, 1846-1921

Iron, Ralph

See: Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920

Irving, Washington, 1783-1859

Irwin, M. (Madelaine)

Irwin, Muriel Stuart

See: Stuart, Muriel, 1889-1967

Isaacs, Isaac

See: Scott, Temple, 1864-1939

Jaakkola, Väinö, 1888-1942

Jacks, L. P. (Lawrence Pearsall), 1860-1955

Jackson, William, 1730-1803

Jacobs, Joseph, 1854-1916

Jacobs, W. W. (William Wymark), 1863-1943

Jacob, Violet, 1863-1946

Jacomb Hood, G. P. (George Percy), 1857-1929

James, G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford), 1801?-1860

James, Helen M.

James, Henry, 1843-1916

James, Margaret Ellen

James, M. R. (Montague Rhodes), 1862-1936

Jameson, Annie Edith

See: Buckrose, J. E., 1868-1931

Jameson, Mrs. (Anna), 1794-1860

Jamieson, John, 1759-1838

Jane, Fred T. (Frederick Thomas), 1865-1916

Japp, Alexander H. (Alexander Hay), 1839-1905

Järnefelt, Saimi, 1867-1944

Jeaffreson, John Cordy, 1831-1901

Jeans, T. T. (Thomas Tendron)

Jefferies, Richard, 1848-1887

Jellicoe, John

Jellicoe, John Rushworth, 1859-1935

Jenkins, Edward, 1838-1910

Jenkins, Elinor

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Jenkins, Herbert George, 1876-1923

Jenkins, John, 1821-1896

Jenkinson, Emily J., 1879-

Jenks, Jacquetta Agneta Mariana

See: Beckford, William, 1760-1844

Jephson, Robert, 1736-1803

Jepson, Edgar, 1863-1938

Jerningham, Hubert E. H. (Hubert Edward Henry), Sir, 1842-1914

Jerome, Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka), 1859-1927

Jerrold, Blanchard, 1826-1884

Jerrold, Douglas William, 1803-1857

Jerrold, Walter, 1865-1929

Jesse, F. Tennyson (Fryniwyd Tennyson), 1888-1958

Jessop, George Henry, -1915

Jessopp, Augustus, 1823-1914

Jewett, Sophie, 1861-1909

Jewitt, Llewellynn Frederick William, 1816-1886

J. J. y C.

John, Augustus, 1878-1961

John, Earl of Rochester

See: Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of,, 1647-1680

John, Gabriel

See: Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731

Johns, Cecil Starr

Johnson, A. J.

Johnson, Aphra

See: Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689

Johnson, Edward Gilpin

Johnson, G. Lindsay (George Lindsay), 1853-1943

Johnson, Jesse, 1842-

Johnson, R. Brimley (Reginald Brimley), 1867-1932

Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784

Johnson, William Savage, 1877-1942

Johnston, Alfred St.

See: St. Johnston, Alfred, 1858?-1891

Johnston, Harry, 1858-1927

Jokinen, Wäinö, 1879-1920

Jonas, Maurice

Jones, Charlotte Rosalys

Jones, Edmund D. (Edmund David), 1869-1941

Jones, Edmund O. (Edmund Osborne), 1858-1931

Jones, Enid Bagnold, Lady

See: Bagnold, Enid, 1889-1981

Jones, Harold Whitmore

Jones, Henry, 1721-1770

Jones, Henry Arthur, 1851-1929

Jones, Henry Festing, 1851-1928

Jones, Henry, Sir, 1852-1922

Jones, John, 1774-

Jones, P.

Jones, T. Percy

See: Aytoun, William Edmondstoune, 1813-1865

Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637

Jope-Slade, Christine

Joutsen, O. A., 1878-1936

Joyce, James, 1882-1941

Joyce, John A. (John Alexander), 1842-1915

Julius, Emanuel

See: Haldeman-Julius, E. (Emanuel), 1888-1951

Jung, Nizamat, Sir, 1871-1955

Jusserand, J. J. (Jean Jules), 1855-1932

Juva, Valter, 1865-1922

Juvelius, Valter Henrik

See: Juva, Valter, 1865-1922

J. y C., J.

See: J. J. y C.

Kaila, Eino, 1890-1958

Kallich, Martin

Kallio, O. A. (Oskar Albin), 1874-1940

Kare, Aito

Kataoka, Genjiro

See: Yeto, Genjiro, 1867-1924

Kaufman, Anthony

Kaulbach, Anna Maria

See: Gogh-Kaulbach, Anna van, 1869-1960

Kavafis, Konstantinos Petrou

See: Cavafy, Constantine, 1863-1933

Kavanagh, Julia, 1824-1877

Kaye-Smith, Sheila, 1887-1956

Keable, Robert, 1887-1927

Kean, Charles John, 1811?-1868

Kearney, Elfric Leofwin, 1856-1913

Keats, John, 1795-1821

Keble, John, 1792-1866

Keck, Christine M.

Keddie, Henrietta

See: Tytler, Sarah, 1827-1914

Keeling, Anne E.

Keene, Charles, 1823-1891

Keene, H. G. (Henry George), 1825-1915

Keightley, S. R. (Samuel Robert), 1859-1949

Keightley, Thomas, 1789-1872

Keller, Arthur Ignatius, 1866-1924

Keller, Gerard, 1829-1899

Kellerman, Ivy

See: Reed, Ivy Kellerman, 1877-1968

Kelley, Robert E.

Kemble, Fanny, 1809-1893

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Kemble, John Philip, 1757-1823

Kempling, William Bailey, 1869-

Kemp-Welch, Lucy, 1869-1958

Kendall, Henry, 1839-1882

Kendall, John Kaye

See: Dum-Dum, 1869-1952

Kendall, May, 1861-

Kenney, Rowland

Kenrick, W. (William), 1725?-1779

Kent, Charles, 1823-1902

Kent, Elizabeth, 1875-1947

Kenttä, Heikki

See: Juva, Valter, 1865-1922

Kent, William Charles Mark

See: Kent, Charles, 1823-1902

Kenyon, C. Fred (Charles Frederick), 1879-1926

Kenyon, E. C. (Edith C.)

Kenyon, Frederic G. (Frederic George), Sir, 1863-1952

Kermode, Josephine

See: Cushag, 1852-1937

Kern, Jean B.

Kerr, Henry Wright, 1857-1936

Kerr, Howard

See: Dawson, A. J. (Alec John), 1872-1952

Kerr, William

Ker, W. P. (William Paton), 1855-1923

Kesson, H. J.

Kettelwell, John

Kettle, Tom, 1880-1916

Keyber, Conny

See: Fielding, Henry, 1707-1754

Keynes, Geoffrey, 1887-1982

Keyworth, J. W.

Khorezmi, Khafiz

See: Hafiz, active 14th century

Kid, Thomas

See: Kyd, Thomas, 1558-1594

Killigrew, Anne, 1660-1685

Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918

Kilner, Dorothy, 1755-1836

Kilpatrick, Florence A. (Florence Antoinette), 1888-

King, Anna Eichberg

See: Lane, John, Mrs.

King, Charlotte

See: Dacre, Charlotte, 1782?-1825

King, Gunning, 1859-1940

King-Hall, Stephen, Sir, 1893-1966

King, Henry, 1592-1669

King, Richard, 1879-1947

Kingsford, Anna Bonus, 1846-1888

Kingsley, Charles, 1819-1875

Kingsley, Frances Eliza Grenfell, 1814-1891

Kingsley, G. H. (George Henry), 1827-1892

Kingsley, Henry, 1830-1876

Kingston, William Henry Giles, 1814-1880

Kinney, Margaret West, 1872-1952

Kinney, Troy, 1871-1938

Kinsley, William, 1934-

Kipling, John Lockwood, 1837-1911

Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936

Kirkman, Francis, 1632-1680?

Kirk, Maria Louise, 1860-

Kirkpatrick, William Arber-Brown, 1880-

Kirkwood, J.T.

Kirtlan, Ernest J. B.

Kitcat, Dick

See: Doyle, Richard, 1824-1883

Kitchin, C. H. B. (Clifford Henry Benn), 1895-1967

Kitchin, Frederick Harcourt

See: Copplestone, Bennet, 1867-1932

Kitton, Frederic George, 1856-1904

Kivilinna, Olli

Kivimäki, Urho, 1889-1958


See: Bower, John Graham, 1886-1940

Klickmann, Flora, 1867-1958

Klinger, Mary F., 1938-

Knapp, Oswald G. (Oswald Greenwaye), 1859-

Knapp, William I. (William Ireland), 1835-1908

Knight, E. F. (Edward Frederick), 1852-1925

Knight, Joseph, 1845-

Knights, Arthur E.

Knight, William Angus, 1836-1916

Knowles, James Sheridan, 1784-1862

Knowles, Mabel Winifred, 1875-1949

Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott, 1888-1957

Koizumi, Yakumo

See: Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904

Kolb, Gwin J.

Koon, Helene, 1925-

Korzeniowski, Józef Konrad Teodor

See: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924

Koskimies, Kaarlo

See: Forsman, Kaarlo, 1851-1918

Koster, Edward B. (Edward Bernard), 1861-1937

Kostrowisky, Guillaume de

See: Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1880-1918

Kouyoumdjian, Dikran

See: Arlen, Michael, 1895-1956

Krafft, A.

Kramsu, Kaarlo, 1855-1895

Kristianson, Elof, 1880-1920

Krohn, Helmi, 1871-1967

Krohn, Julius, 1835-1888

Kronheim, Joseph Martin, 1810-1896

Kuist, James M., 1935-

Kunz, George Frederick, 1856-1932

Kuylman, J.

Kyd, Thomas, 1558-1594

Kyle, Galloway, 1871-


See: Cynewulf


La Bédollière, Emile de, 1812-1883

Lachmann, Hedwig, 1865-1918

Lacy, Charles J. De

See: De Lacy, Charles J.

Lafuerza, Gregorio

Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834

Lambert, D. H. (Daniel Henry), 1852-1930

  • Makbeto (Esperanto) (as Translator)

Lamb, Mary, 1764-1847

Lamburn, Richmal Crompton

See: Crompton, Richmal, 1890-1969

Lampén, O. E., 1880-1925

Lancaster, William Joseph Cosens

See: Collingwood, Harry, 1851-1922

Landauer, Gustav, 1870-1919

Landauer-Lachmann, Hedwig

See: Lachmann, Hedwig, 1865-1918

Landers, J.

Landor, Walter Savage, 1775-1864

Landreth, Peter

Landseer, Edwin Henry, Sir, 1802-1873

Lane, John, 1854-1925

Lane, John, Mrs.

Lane, Margaret Stuart

Lane, William

See: Miller, John, 1861-1917

Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912

Langbridge, Rosamond, 1880-1964

Langdale, Stella, 1880-1976

Langhorne, John, 1735-1779

Lang, Jean, 1867-1932

Lang, John, 1816-1864

Langland, William, 1330?-1400?

Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881

Lansdown, Charlotte

Lansdown, Henry Venn

La Pasture, Henry De, Mrs.

See: De La Pasture, Henry, Mrs., 1866-1945

La Roche, Mazo de

See: De la Roche, Mazo, 1879-1961

Lathrop, Dorothy Pulis, 1891-1980

Lauder, Thomas Dick, Sir, 1784-1848

Laun, Henri van

See: Van Laun, Henri, 1820-1896

Laurence, French, 1757-1809

Laurent, d'Orléans, active 1279

Lavington, Margaret

Lawless, Emily, 1845-1913

Lawrence, C. E. (Charles Edward), 1870-1940

Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930

Lawrence, Frederic

Lawrence, George A. (George Alfred), 1827-1876

Lawson, Henry, 1867-1922

Layard, Arthur

Leacock, Stephen, 1869-1944

Leamy, Edmund, 1848-1904

Lear, Edward, 1812-1888

Leask, W. Keith (William Keith), 1857-1925

Leathem, William Harvey, 1875-1937

Ledwidge, Francis, 1887-1917

Leech, John, 1817-1864

Lee, Edmund

Lee, Elizabeth, 1858?-1920

Lee, Holme, 1828-1900

Lee, Ida, 1865-1943

Lee, Margaret L., 1871-1955

Lee, Sidney, Sir, 1859-1926

Lee, Vernon, 1856-1935

Le Fanu, Brinsley, 1854-1929

Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan, 1814-1873

Le Gallienne, Richard, 1866-1947

Lehmann, R. C. (Rudolf Chambers), 1856-1929

Lehtonen, Vihtori

Lehto, Niilo

Leigh, Henry S. (Henry Sambrooke), 1837-1883

Leigh-Mallory, George Herbert

See: Mallory, George, 1886-1924

Leigh, Percival, 1813-1889

Leighton, Alexander, 1800-1874

Leighton, John, 1822-1912

Leighton, Marie Connor, -1941

Leighton, Robert, 1859-1934

Leith, W. Compton

See: Dalton, O. M. (Ormonde Maddock), 1866-1945

Leiviskä, Hannes, 1873-1918

Lennox, Charlotte, 1729?-1804

Leonard, May

Leonard, R. M. (Robert Maynard)

Leonard, Sterling Andrus, 1888-1931

Leonowens, Anna Harriette, 1831-1915

Le Poer, John Patrick

Le Queux, William, 1864-1927

Leslie, Mary, Lady

See: Hamilton, Mary, Lady, 1739-1816

Lester, John Wallack

See: Wallack, Lester, 1820-1888

L'Estrange, A. G. K. (Alfred Guy Kingan), 1832-1915

L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704

Letorsay, Madame

Lever, Charles James, 1806-1872

Levering, Albert, 1869-1929

Leverson, Ada, 1862-1933

Leveson-Gower, Georgiana Charlotte

See: Fullerton, Georgiana, 1812-1885

Levett Yeats, S. (Sidney)

Levi, Solomon Lazarus

See: Lee, Sidney, Sir, 1859-1926

Le Voleur

See: Voleur

Levy, Amy, 1861-1889

Lewes, M. E. (Marian Evans)

See: Eliot, George, 1819-1880

Lewis, Angelo

Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963

Lewis, M. G. (Matthew Gregory), 1775-1818

Lewis, Wyndham, 1882-1957

Leyendecker, Frank X., 1877-1924

Leyendecker, J. C. (Joseph Christian), 1874-1951

Leyland, Francis A.

Liefde, J. B. de (Jacob B.), 1847-1878

Limner, Luke

See: Leighton, John, 1822-1912

Lindo, M. P. (Mark Prager), 1819-1877

Lindsay, David, 1876-1945

Lindsay, Lionel, Sir, 1874-1961

Linskill, William Thomas

Linton, E. Lynn (Elizabeth Lynn), 1822-1898

Lisser, Herbert George de

See: De Lisser, Herbert George, 1878-1944

Litchfield, Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth), 1854-

Litle, Arthur

Littlemore, F.

See: Moore, Frank Frankfort, 1855-1931

Little, Thomas

See: Moore, Thomas, 1779-1852

Lloyd, Evan, 1734-1776

Lloyd, Stanley

LM (Leslie Moore), 1888-1978

Loch, Sydney, 1889-1954

Locker, Frederick

See: Locker-Lampson, Frederick, 1821-1895

Locker-Lampson, Frederick, 1821-1895

Lockert, Charles Lacy, 1888-

Locke, William John, 1863-1930

Lock, F. P.

Lockhart, J. G. (John Gibson), 1794-1854

Lockwood, Frank, Sir, 1846-1897

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924

Lodge, Thomas, 1558?-1625

Löfgren, Elisabeth, 1851-1931

Loghe, Sydney de

See: Loch, Sydney, 1889-1954

Loman-van Uildriks, Gonne, 1863-1921

Long, Gabrielle Margaret Vere Campbell

See: Bowen, Marjorie, 1888-1952

Long, Margaret Gabrielle Vere Campbell

See: Bowen, Marjorie, 1888-1952

Long, William J. (William Joseph), 1867-1952

Loraine, Lorn, -1967

Lorain, P. (Paul), 1799-1861

Lorens, d'Orléans

See: Laurent, d'Orléans, active 1279

Lorimer, Norma, 1864-1948

Lorrequer, Harry

See: Lever, Charles James, 1806-1872

Los Rios, R. de‏ (Ricardo), 1846-1929

Loudon, Mrs. (Jane), 1807-1858

Loudon, Mrs. (Margracia)

Love, Harold, 1937-2007

Lovelace, Richard, 1618-1658

Lovell, Robert, 1770?-1796

Lover, Samuel, 1797-1868

Lowe, Charles, 1848-1931

Lowell, Amy, 1874-1925

Lowell, Orson, 1871-1956

Lowenheim, Frederic

Lowndes, Marie Belloc, 1868-1947


See: Schwob, Marcel, 1867-1905

Lubbock, Percy, 1879-1965

Lucas, E. V. (Edward Verrall), 1868-1938

Lucas, Joseph

Lucas, Margaret

See: Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674

Lucy, Henry W. (Henry William), Sir, 1845-1924

Ludlow, Johnny

See: Wood, Henry, Mrs., 1814-1887

Ludovici, Anthony M. (Anthony Mario), 1882-1971

Luís I, Rei de Portugal, 1838-1889

Lumby, J. Rawson (Joseph Rawson), 1831-1895

Lumley, Savile, -1950

Lyall, David

See: Swan, Annie S., 1859-1943

Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903

Lybbe, Philip Lybbe Powys

Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451?

Lynch, Hannah, 1859-1904

Lynd, Robert, 1879-1949

Lyne, Joseph Leycester

See: Ignatius, Father, O.S.B., 1837-1908

Lynn, Eliza

See: Linton, E. Lynn (Elizabeth Lynn), 1822-1898

Lyons, A. Neil (Albert Neil), 1880-1940

Lys, Francis J. (Francis John), 1863-1947

Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, Baron, 1709-1773

Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron, 1803-1873