Books about Space flight to the moon -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
From the Earth to the Moon, Direct in Ninety-Seven Hours and Twenty Minutes: and a Trip Round It Jules Verne
Goddess of the Moon John Murray Reynolds
Grim Green World Roger D. Aycock
Jaywalker Ross Rocklynne
Journey for the Brave Alan Edward Nourse
Love and Moondogs Richard McKenna
Moon Glow G. L. Vandenburg
Moon-Voyage Jules Verne
My Lady Selene Magnus Ludens
My sweetheart's the Man in the Moon Stephen Marlowe
Operation Boomerang George Revelle
Project Hush William Tenn
railhead at Kysyl Khoto Allen Kim Lang
Reaching for the moon Evan Hunter
Reis naar de Maan in 28 dagen en 12 uren (Dutch) Jules Verne
Revolt of the Brains Stephen Marlowe
Rocket Summer Ray Bradbury
Slow Burn Henry Still
Spaceman's luck George O. Smith
Star bright Bryce Walton
Stay off the Moon! Raymond F. Jones
Stowaway Alvin Heiner
Synthetic Hero Erik Fennel
Task to Luna Alfred Coppel
They Reached for the Moon William Oberfield