Abbe, Ernst, 1840-1905

Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879

Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877

Adam, Juliette, 1836-1936

Aldoni, Joseph

See: Lindau, Wilhelm Adolf, 1774-1849

Alice, Grand Duchess, consort of Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt, 1843-1878


Arouet, François Marie

See: Voltaire, 1694-1778

Aveling, Eleanor Marx, 1855-1898

Bauer, Max, 1861-1932

Bax, Ernest Belfort, 1854-1926

Bekker, Paul, 1882-1937

Berlet, Bruno, 1825-1892

Bezold, Gustav von, 1848-1934

Bland, J. O. P. (John Otway Percy), 1863-1945

Blaschke, Lotte

Blumenthal, Daniel, 1860-

Blum, Hans, 1841-1910

Boniface, Joseph-Xavier

See: Saintine, X.-B. (Xavier-Boniface), 1798-1865

Born, Stephan, 1824-1898

Bouton, S. Miles (Stephen Miles), 1876-

Brechensbauer, Josef, 1867-1945

Briefs, Goetz A. (Goetz Antony), 1889-1974

Bruckmann, F.

Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount, 1838-1922

Buttermilch, Simon

See: Born, Stephan, 1824-1898

Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881

Collier, Price, 1860-1913

Coubé, Stéphen, 1857-1938

D'Auvergne, Edmund B. (Edmund Basil)

De Guericke, Otto

See: Guericke, Otto von, 1602-1686

De Vere, M. Schele (Maximilian Schele)

See: Schele de Vere, M. (Maximilian), 1820-1898

Doré, Gustave, 1832-1883

Egan, Maurice Francis, 1852-1924

Eggers, Wilhelm Johann

Engels, Friedrich, 1820-1895

Eppinghoven, Ursula, Gräfin von

See: Fischer, Henry W. (Henry William), 1856-1932


See: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879

Eucken, Rudolf, 1846-1926

Eveling, Eleonora Marks

See: Aveling, Eleanor Marx, 1855-1898

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 1762-1814

Fischer, Henry W. (Henry William), 1856-1932

Fisher, H. A. L. (Herbert Albert Laurens), 1865-1940

Fontane, Theodor, 1819-1898

Fontenoy, marquise de

Fox, Edward Lyell, 1887-

Franck, Harry Alverson, 1881-1962

Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Margravine, consort of Friedrich, Margrave of Bayreuth

See: Wilhelmine, Margravine, consort of Friedrich, Margrave of Bayreuth, 1709-1758

Frederic, Harold, 1856-1898

Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786

Freytag, Gustav, 1816-1895

Friedrich II, der Grosse, King of Prussia

See: Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786

Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert, German Emperor

See: William II, German Emperor, 1859-1941

Frobenius, Herman, 1841-1916

Gaffron, Moritz Karl Ernst von Prittwitz und

See: Prittwitz, M. von (Moritz), 1795-1885

Gampe, Theodor, 1845-1897

Gauss, Christian, 1878-1951

Gericke, Otto von

See: Guericke, Otto von, 1602-1686

Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg

Gleig, G. R. (George Robert), 1796-1888

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832

Graves, Armgaard Karl

Greusel, John Hubert, 1868-

Grohmann, Max, 1861-1925

Guericke, Otto von, 1602-1686

Gumbel, Emil Julius, 1891-1966

Günther, Friedrich, 1843-1912

Gutzkow, Karl, 1811-1878

Halsey, Francis W. (Francis Whiting), 1851-1919

Hammerstein, Eugen von, 1804-1851

Hay, Marie, Hon. (Agnes Blanche Marie), 1873-1938

Head, Francis Bond, Sir, 1793-1875

Headlam, Cecil, 1872-1934

Headlam, James Wycliffe, 1863-1929

Hearn, Ethel Harriet

Helena Augusta Victoria, Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, 1846-1923

Hesekiel, George, 1819-1874

Hoffmann, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1785?-1869

Holcombe, Arthur N. (Arthur Norman), 1884-1977

Holcroft, Thomas, 1745-1809

Horrocks, George, Mrs.

Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885

Huldermann, Bernhard

Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 1767-1835

Inha, Into Konrad, 1865-1930

Jäckh, Ernst, 1875-1959

James, Helen M.

Jameson, Mrs. (Anna), 1794-1860

Le Queux, William, 1864-1927

Lexer, Matthias, 1830-1892

Liebusch, Georg

Lindau, Wilhelm Adolf, 1774-1849

Lindner, Johann Traugott, 1777-1856

Lungwitz, Hermann, 1845-1927

Mackenzie, Kenneth R. H. (Kenneth Robert Henderson), 1833-1886

Malcolm, Mrs. (Georgina)

Mansfield, Blanche McManus

See: McManus, Blanche, 1869-1935

Mansfield, M. F. (Milburg Francisco), 1871-


See: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879

Marx-Aveling, Eleanor

See: Aveling, Eleanor Marx, 1855-1898

Marx, Karl, 1818-1883

McManus, Blanche, 1869-1935

Meding, Oskar

See: Samarow, Gregor, 1829-1903

Menzel, Wolfgang, 1798-1873

Merbach, Paul Alfred, 1880-

Meyen-Barends, W. B.

Meyer, Guido

Miltoun, Francis

See: Mansfield, M. F. (Milburg Francisco), 1871-

Morley, Henry, 1822-1894

Morris, Charles, 1833-1922

Munro, William Bennett, 1875-1957

Murphy, Anna Brownell

See: Jameson, Mrs. (Anna), 1794-1860

Nettelbeck, Joachim, 1738-1824

Neuhauser, Eduard

Neumann, Ludwig, 1854-1925

Nitsche, Julius

Norton, Minerva Brace, 1837-

Nyström, Into Konrad

See: Inha, Into Konrad, 1865-1930

Parmele, Mary Platt, 1843-1911

Pauli, Reinhold, 1823-1882

Petzold, E.

Pompery, Edouard de, 1812-1895

Prasse, E. A.

Prittwitz, M. von (Moritz), 1795-1885

Queux, William Le

See: Le Queux, William, 1864-1927

Rathenau, Walther, 1867-1922

Raumer, Friedrich von, 1781-1873

Reddaway, William Fiddian, 1872-1949

Rohmer, Theodor, 1816-1859

Ruge, Sophus, 1831-1903

Ruland, Wilhelm, 1869-1927

Saintine, X.-B. (Xavier-Boniface), 1798-1865

Samarow, Gregor, 1829-1903

Sarolea, Charles, 1870-1953

Sastrow, Bartholomäus, 1520-1603

Schäfer, Wilhelm, 1868-1952

Schele de Vere, M. (Maximilian), 1820-1898

Scheler, Max, 1874-1928

Schmidt, Ferdinand, 1816-1890

Sell, Karl, 1845-1914

Seton-Watson, R. W. (Robert William), 1879-1951

Shaw, Stanley, 1870-

Sidgwick, Alfred, Mrs., 1854-1934

Sommerfeld, Arnold, 1868-1951

Sorel, Albert, 1842-1906

Spivak, John L. (John Louis), 1897-1981

Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878

Taylor, Marie Hansen, 1829-1925

Topham, Anne, 1864-1927

Treitschke, Heinrich von, 1834-1896

Trenck, Friedrich, Freiherr von der, 1726-1794

Tschudi, Clara, 1856-1945

Tucher, Endres, 1423-1507

Ullmann, Cecily Wilhelmine

See: Sidgwick, Alfred, Mrs., 1854-1934

Upton, George P. (George Putnam), 1834-1919

Vandam, Albert D. (Albert Dresden), 1843-1903


Vere, M. Schele de (Maximilian Schele)

See: Schele de Vere, M. (Maximilian), 1820-1898

Viator, Scotus

See: Seton-Watson, R. W. (Robert William), 1879-1951

Vincent, William

See: Holcroft, Thomas, 1745-1809

Voltaire, 1694-1778

Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang

See: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832

Von Guericke, Otto

See: Guericke, Otto von, 1602-1686

Von Prittwitz, M. (Moritz)

See: Prittwitz, M. von (Moritz), 1795-1885

Von Treitschke, Heinrich

See: Treitschke, Heinrich von, 1834-1896

Von Weech, Friedrich

See: Weech, Friedrich von, 1837-1905

Wade, Mary Hazelton Blanchard, 1860-1936

Wagner, Arthur L. (Arthur Lockwood), 1853-1905

Wald, Rudolf

See: Lindau, Wilhelm Adolf, 1774-1849

Walter, A.

Wassermann, Jakob, 1873-1934

Wasserzieher, Ernst, 1860-1927

Wattenbach, Wilhelm, 1819-1897

Weech, Friedrich von, 1837-1905

Wenzel, Max, 1879-1946

Weymann, August

White, Walter, 1811-1893

Widger, David, 1932-

Wild, Christian Gottlob, 1785-1839

Wilhelm I, German Emperor

See: William I, German Emperor, 1797-1888

Wilhelm II, German Emperor

See: William II, German Emperor, 1859-1941

Wilhelmine, Margravine, consort of Friedrich, Margrave of Bayreuth, 1709-1758

William I, German Emperor, 1797-1888

William II, German Emperor, 1859-1941

Witkop, Philipp, 1880-1942

Wyndham, Horace, 1875-

Xavier, M.

See: Saintine, X.-B. (Xavier-Boniface), 1798-1865

Ybarra, T. R. (Thomas Russell), 1880-1971

Young, George, 1872-1952

Zimmern, Helen, 1846-1934