Crown and Sceptre: A West Country Story
George Manville Fenn
A Rebellion in Dixie
Harry Castlemon
The West Point Rivals: or, Mark Mallory's Stratagem
Upton Sinclair
The little cap : Or, The lost heir of Sternfelden
Mrs. Dundas
Our Soldier Boy
George Manville Fenn
Kathie's Soldiers
Amanda M. Douglas
The lively adventures of Gavin Hamilton
Molly Elliot Seawell
The Young Continentals at Trenton
John T. McIntyre
Captain Carey; or, Fighting the Indians at Pine Ridge
Lionel Lounsberry
Red, White, Blue Socks, Part First
Sarah L. Barrow
Teddy's Button
Amy Le Feuvre
Elsie's Vacation and After Events
Martha Finley
General Nelson's Scout
Byron A. Dunn
The Riverpark Rebellion
Homer Greene
Sarah Dillard's Ride: A Story of the Carolinas in 1780
James Otis
The Young Scout: The Story of a West Point Lieutenant
Edward Sylvester Ellis
Tom Newcombe; Or, the Boy of Bad Habits
Harry Castlemon
Sailor Jack, the Trader
Harry Castlemon
Uudenmetsän lapset (Finnish)
Frederick Marryat
The Drummer's Coat
Sir J. W. Fortescue
Carl the Trailer
Harry Castlemon
The First Capture; or, Hauling Down the Flag of England
Harry Castlemon
Fighting Joe; Or, The Fortunes of a Staff Officer. A Story of the Great Rebellion
Oliver Optic
The Boy Spies with the Regulators
James Otis
When Santiago Fell; or, The War Adventures of Two Chums
Edward Stratemeyer