Books about Science fiction (sorted by popularity)
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Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 140119 downloads
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson 30059 downloads
Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 16485 downloads
The War of the Worlds H. G. Wells 11676 downloads
Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 11557 downloads
The Time Machine H. G. Wells 8633 downloads
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea Jules Verne 6215 downloads
2 B R 0 2 B Kurt Vonnegut 5494 downloads
The Invisible Man: A Grotesque Romance H. G. Wells 4919 downloads
The island of Doctor Moreau H. G. Wells 4681 downloads
Anthem Ayn Rand 4275 downloads
The Eyes Have It Philip K. Dick 4179 downloads
We Evgenii Ivanovich Zamiatin 3715 downloads
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth Jules Verne 3287 downloads
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson 3282 downloads
A Princess of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 2451 downloads
Secret of the Earth Star Henry Kuttner 2378 downloads
The Lani People Jesse F. Bone 2131 downloads
The Big Trip Up Yonder Kurt Vonnegut 2035 downloads
Second Variety Philip K. Dick 2033 downloads
The Mysterious Island Jules Verne 1872 downloads
The Marching Morons C. M. Kornbluth 1810 downloads
L'île mystérieuse (French) Jules Verne 1653 downloads
Voyage au Centre de la Terre (French) Jules Verne 1653 downloads
A Pail of Air Fritz Leiber 1635 downloads
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