On the cattle plague: or, Contagious typhus in horned cattle. Its history, origin, description, and treatment
Honoré Bourguignon
A Theory of Creation: A Review of 'Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation'
Francis Bowen
The Diatomaceæ of Philadelphia and Vicinity
Charles S. Boyer
Het Leven der Dieren: Deel 1, Hoofdstuk 14: Buideldieren; Hoofdstuk 15: Kloakdieren (Dutch)
Alfred Edmund Brehm
Het Leven der Dieren: Deel 3.7, De Weekdieren (Dutch)
Alfred Edmund Brehm
Het Leven der Dieren: Deel 3.9, De Oerdieren (Dutch)
Alfred Edmund Brehm
Het Leven der Dieren. Deel 3, Hoofdstuk 5: De Amphibiën (Dutch)
Alfred Edmund Brehm
Inorganic Plant Poisons and Stimulants
Winifred Elsie Brenchley
Wild Nature Won By Kindness
Mrs. Brightwen
On the phenomena of hybridity in the genus Homo
Paul Broca
Handbook of the Trees of New England
Henry M. Brooks and Lorin Low Dame
Time and Change
John Burroughs
Ways of Nature
John Burroughs
The Breath of Life
John Burroughs
Canterbury Pieces
Samuel Butler
Evolution, Old & New
Samuel Butler
Life and Habit
Samuel Butler
Luck, or Cunning, as the Main Means of Organic Modification
Samuel Butler
De Rariorum Animalium atque Stirpium Historia (Latin)
John Caius
Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole
Gary N. Calkins
The Life of Crustacea
W. T. Calman
Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany
Douglas Houghton Campbell
Descripção de algumas especies novas ou pouco conhecidas de crustaceos
(French) (Portuguese)
Felix Antonio de Brito Capello
The Life-Story of Insects
George H. Carpenter
The Philosophy of Evolution
Stephen H. Carpenter