Books in Browsing: Science - Earth/Agricultural/Farming (sorted alphabetically)
honig en zijn gebruik (Dutch) W.-F. Rondou
Horse-hoeing husbandry : or, an essay on the principles of vegetation and tillage. Designed to introduce a new method of culture; whereby the produce of land will be increased, and the usual expence lessened. Together with accurate descriptions and cuts of the instruments employed in it. Jethro Tull
Horse in America John Gilmer Speed
Horses Roger Pocock
Horse Secrets A. S. Alexander
Horses of the Sahara and the Manners of the Desert E. Daumas
How old are fossils? Sharat Kumar Roy
How the Garden Grew Maud Maryon
How to know the ferns : A guide to the names, haunts and habitats of our common ferns Frances Theodora Parsons
How to Prosper in Boll Weevil Territory George Howard Alford
How to Select Cows Willis P. Hazard
Humanity to Honey-Bees Thomas Nutt
Hurricane Guide William Radcliff Birt
Hurricane Hunters Ivan Ray Tannehill
Ice-Caves of France and Switzerland G. F. Browne
Identifying Hardwoods Growing on Pine Sites Clair A. Brown and Harold E. Grelen
Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth John Playfair
Importanza e risultati degli incrociamenti in avicoltura (Italian) Teodoro Pascal
Improved Queen-Rearing; or, How to Rear Large, Prolific, Long-Lived Queen Bees Henry Alley
In-Door Gardening for Every Week in the Year gardener William Keane
Industrial Minerals and Metals of Illinois J. E. Lamar
Information for the Guidance of Field Men and Cooperators of the Bureau of Biological Survey Engaged in the Control of Injurious Rodents and Predatory Animals Stanley Paul Young and Paul G. Redington
Inheritance of Characteristics in Domestic Fowl Charles Benedict Davenport
In Het Rijk van Vulcaan (Dutch) R. A. van Sandick
In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times (Volume 1 of 2) Fridtjof Nansen