Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted alphabetically by author)
Margot Asquith, an Autobiography - Two Volumes in One Margot Asquith
Les Bourbons bibliophiles, Rois & Princes, Reines & Princesses (French) Eugène Asse
Gräfin Elisa von Ahlefeldt, die Gattin Adolphs von Lützow, die Freundin Karl Immermann's (German) Ludmilla Assing
Life in the War Zone Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton
Montreal from 1535 to 1914. Vol. 3. Biographical William H. Atherton
Lincoln's Love Story Eleanor Atkinson
Overbeck J. Beavington Atkinson
The Real Jesus of the Four Gospels John Birdseye Atwater
Brief Lives, Vol. 2 John Aubrey
Brief Lives, Vol. 1 John Aubrey
La reine Victoria intime (French) J.-H. Aubry
Audubon and His Journals, Volume 1 John James Audubon
Audubon and His Journals, Volume 2 John James Audubon
Kirkkoisä Augustinuksen Tunnustukset (Finnish) Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine
The Confessions of St. Augustine Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine
Confessiones (Latin) Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine
Les grands orateurs de la Révolution (French) F.-A. Aulard
La cour et la ville de Madrid vers la fin du XVIIe siècle (French) Madame d' Aulnoy
The Letters of Jane Austen Jane Austen
Memoir of Jane Austen James Edward Austen-Leigh
Jane Austen, Her Life and Letters: A Family Record William Austen-Leigh and Richard Arthur Austen-Leigh
A Virginia Girl in the Civil War, 1861-1865 Myrta Lockett Avary
Passages from the Life of a Philosopher Charles Babbage
Norman Prince : A volunteer who died for the cause he loved George Franklin Babbitt
Cox—The Man Roger Ward Babson