Books by MacDonald, George (sorted by popularity)
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The Princess and the Goblin George MacDonald 1783 downloads
Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women George MacDonald 1298 downloads
At the Back of the North Wind George MacDonald 1138 downloads
Lilith: A Romance George MacDonald 994 downloads
At the Back of the North Wind George MacDonald 947 downloads
The Princess and the Goblin George MacDonald 616 downloads
The Light Princess George MacDonald 592 downloads
Unspoken Sermons, Series I., II., and III. George MacDonald 579 downloads
The Princess and the Goblin George MacDonald 525 downloads
The Light Princess George MacDonald 521 downloads
A Dish of Orts : Chiefly Papers on the Imagination, and on Shakespeare George MacDonald 489 downloads
David Elginbrod George MacDonald 350 downloads
The Princess and Curdie George MacDonald 337 downloads
The Hope of the Gospel George MacDonald 317 downloads
Sir Gibbie George MacDonald 311 downloads
A Double Story George MacDonald 297 downloads
A Book of Strife in the Form of The Diary of an Old Soul George MacDonald 276 downloads
Malcolm George MacDonald 275 downloads
The Light Princess and Other Fairy Stories George MacDonald 273 downloads
Robert Falconer George MacDonald 247 downloads
The Portent and Other Stories George MacDonald 241 downloads
The Princess and Curdie George MacDonald 239 downloads
A Hidden Life and Other Poems George MacDonald 235 downloads
Thomas Wingfold, Curate George MacDonald 231 downloads
Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood George MacDonald 216 downloads
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