Addleston, Hill

See: Hardy, Duffus, Lady, 1825?-1891

Albertson, Catherine, 1868-

Anderson, Ellen L.


Arlington Co., Va. County Manager

Arnold, Robert

Atlanta Chamber of Commerce

Avary, Myrta Lockett, 1857-1946

Badè, William Frederic, 1871-1936

Barry, Joseph, 1828?-1905

Bartram, William, 1739-1823

Bemiss, Samuel Merrifield, 1894-1966

Beverley, Robert, 1673?-1722?

Brydon, G. MacLaren (George MacLaren), 1875-1963

Burwell, Letitia M.

Butler, Frances Anne

See: Kemble, Fanny, 1809-1893

Caldwell, Erskine, 1903-1987

Campbell, Charles, 1807-1876

Charleston (S.C.)

City of Charleston (S.C.)

See: Charleston (S.C.)

Clay-Clopton, Virginia, 1825-1915

Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944

Cotter, John L.

Cowles, Genevieve, 1871-

Cowles, Maude, 1871-1905

Craven, Wesley Frank, 1905-1981

Cullen, Joseph P.

De Saussure, N. B. (Nancy Bostick), 1837-1915

Devereux, Margaret

Dodge, William de Leftwich, 1867-1935

Drake, Samuel Adams, 1833-1905

Duffus Hardy, Lady

See: Hardy, Duffus, Lady, 1825?-1891

Edmonds, William H.

Edwards, H. C. (Harry C.), 1868-1922

Elvas, Knight of

See: Knight of Elvas

Evans, Cerinda W.

Ewing, William Clinton, 1875-

Fairbanks, George R. (George Rainsford), 1820-1906

Farish, Hunter Dickinson, 1897-1945

Fidalgo de Elvas

See: Knight of Elvas

Fiske, John, 1842-1901

Fithian, Philip Vickers, 1747-1776

Forbes-Lindsay, C. H., 1860-

Forman, Henry Chandlee, 1904-1991

Fort, John Porter, 1841-1917

Fort, Martha Fannin, 1885-

Gentleman of Elvas

See: Knight of Elvas

Goodwin, Maud Wilder, 1856-1935

Goolrick, John T. (John Tackett), 1844-1926

Gray, Thomas R.

Green, Edmund Fisk

See: Fiske, John, 1842-1901

Grosscup, Ben S.

Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616

Hamilton, James, Jr., 1786-1857

Harcourt, Charles

See: Forbes-Lindsay, C. H., 1860-

Hardy, Duffus, Lady, 1825?-1891

Harriot, Thomas, 1560-1621

Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908

Harris, Thaddeus Mason, 1768-1842

Hart, Albert Bushnell, 1854-1943

Hatch, Charles E., Jr.

Haynie, Miriam

Head, James William, 1883-

Herndon, G. Melvin

Hewatt, Alexander

Hiden, Martha W. (Martha Woodroof), 1883-1959

Howell, Andrew Jackson, 1869-1947

Hudson, J. Paul

Huger Smith, Alice R. (Alice Ravenel)

See: Smith, Alice R. Huger (Alice Ravenel Huger), 1876-1958

Hume, Ivor Noël

See: Noël Hume, Ivor

Hutchins, Cortelle

Hutchins, Frank W.

Jester, Annie Lash

Johnson, Allen, 1870-1931

Johnston, Mary, 1870-1936

Jones, Hugh, 1669-1760

Kemble, Fanny, 1809-1893

Kephart, Horace, 1862-1931

King, Sidney E. (Sidney Eugene), 1906-2002

Kishpaugh, Robert A., 1878-

Knight of Elvas

Kredel, Fritz, 1900-1973

Lachman, Harry, 1886-1975

Lanman, Charles, 1819-1895

Lattimore, Ralston B.

Lawson, John, 1674-1711

Lesesne, Thomas Petigru, 1882-1942

Lindsay, Forbes

See: Forbes-Lindsay, C. H., 1860-

McCullough, W. A. (William A.)

Moore, Gay Montague

Moore, John W. (John Wheeler), 1833-1906

Moorman, J. J. (John Jennings), 1802-1885

Morgan, Wallace, 1875-1948

Morrison, Alfred J. (Alfred James), 1876-1923

Muir, John, 1838-1914

National Park Service (U.S.)

See: United States. National Park Service

Neal, Willard

Nelligan, Murray H.

Netherton, Nan

Netherton, Ross De Witt, 1918-2010

Newton, Mary Mann Page

See: Stanard, Mary Newton, 1865-1929

Noël Hume, Ivor

Northington, Etta Belle Walker

See: Walker, Etta Belle, 1903-

Orr, Lucinda Lee

Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922

Pearson, Elizabeth Ware

Peele, John (John R.)

Peele, W. J. (William Joseph), 1855-1919

Pennington, Patience

See: Pringle, Elizabeth W. Allston (Elizabeth Waties Allston), 1845-1921

Peyton, J. Lewis (John Lewis), 1824-1896

Pierson, Hamilton W. (Hamilton Wilcox), 1817-1888

Pope, G. D.

Porter, Charles W., III (Charles Wesley), 1904-1987

Pringle, Elizabeth W. Allston (Elizabeth Waties Allston), 1845-1921

Pryor, Sara Agnes Rice, 1830-1912

Pugh, Mabel, 1891-1986

Pyle, Ernie, 1900-1945

Quinn, S. J. (Silvanus Jackson), 1837-

Rawlings, Mary, 1873-1960

Reid, Whitelaw, 1837-1912

Rice, Sara Agnes

See: Pryor, Sara Agnes Rice, 1830-1912

Russell, William Howard, Sir, 1820-1907

Rust, Jeanne Johnson

Saussure, N. B. De (Nancy Bostick De)

See: De Saussure, N. B. (Nancy Bostick), 1837-1915

Schmidt, Johannes, Capitaneo

See: Smith, John, 1580-1631

Smith, Alice R. Huger (Alice Ravenel Huger), 1876-1958

Smith, John, 1580-1631

Stanard, Mary Newton, 1865-1929

Sterling, Ada, -1939

Stevens, Henry, 1819-1886

Stewart, Charles Alexander

Street, Julian, 1879-1947

Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930

Taylor, Frank A. (Frank Augustus), 1903-2007

Thacker, Page

See: Burwell, Letitia M.

Thomas, Jean, 1881-

Thompson, Holland, 1873-1940

Torpey, Dorothy Margaret, 1919-

Trowbridge, J. T. (John Townsend), 1827-1916

Tunstall, Virginia

See: Clay-Clopton, Virginia, 1825-1915

Turcas, Jules

Turner, Nat, 1800?-1831

United States. National Park Service

United States President (1909-1913)

See: Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930


Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation

Virginia. History, Government, and Geography Service

Walker, Etta Belle, 1903-

Warner, Charles Dudley, 1829-1900

Washburn, Wilcomb E.

Watkins, C. Malcolm

Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson, 1879-1966

Williams, Frances Leigh

Williams, Harrison, 1873-1946

Willis, Carrie Hunter, 1890-

Winslow, Arthur, 1860-

Wister, Owen, 1860-1938

Woolley, Edwin C. (Edwin Campbell), 1878-1916

Wrenn, Tony P.

Zeigler, Wilbur Gleason, 1857-1935