Books about Birds (sorted alphabetically)
- Rambler's lease Bradford Torrey
- Reptiles and Birds Louis Figuier
- Riverby John Burroughs
- Song of the Cardinal Gene Stratton-Porter
- Story of Scraggles George Wharton James
- Tales of the birds W. Warde Fowler
- Territory in Bird Life Henry Eliot Howard
- Trails and Tramps in Alaska and Newfoundland William S. Thomas
- Travels in a Tree-top Charles C. Abbott
- Upon The Tree-Tops Olive Thorne Miller
- vogel (Dutch) Jules Michelet
- Wild Life Near Home Dallas Lore Sharp
- Woodpeckers Fannie Hardy Eckstorm
- Year with the Birds W. Warde Fowler
- zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle [vol. 3 of 5] : Birds John Gould