Books about Birds (sorted alphabetically)
- Ducks at a Distance: A Waterfowl Identification Guide Bob Hines
- Essays on early ornithology and kindred subjects James Roxburgh McClymont
- Extinct birds : An attempt to unite in one volume a short account of those birds which have become extinct in historical times Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild Rothschild
- Fifty Birds of Town and City Bob Hines and Peter A. Anastasi
- Food Habits of the Thrushes of the United States F. E. L. Beal
- Foot-path Way Bradford Torrey
- How To Have Bird Neighbors S. Louise Patteson
- In Nesting Time Olive Thorne Miller
- Jack Miner and the Birds, and Some Things I Know about Nature Jack Miner
- Kardinaalin laulu: Kertomus lintumaailmasta (Finnish) Gene Stratton-Porter
- Kardinalens frieri: En fågelhistoria (Swedish) Gene Stratton-Porter
- Leven der Dieren: Deel 2, Hoofdstuk 11 tot 14: Hoenderkoeten; Nandoes; Kasuarisvogels; Struisen; Hagedisvogels (Dutch) Alfred Edmund Brehm
- Little Brothers of the Air Olive Thorne Miller
- Migration of Birds (1950) Frederick Charles Lincoln
- Migration of Birds (1979) Frederick Charles Lincoln and Steven R. Peterson
- More Tales of the Birds W. Warde Fowler
- Myology and Serology of the Avian Family Fringillidae: A Taxonomic Study William B. Stallcup
- My pets : Real happenings in my aviary Marshall Saunders
- My Robin Frances Hodgson Burnett
- My study windows James Russell Lowell
- Natural History of the Bell Vireo, Vireo bellii Audubon Jon C. Barlow
- Nature's carol singers Richard Kearton
- oiseau (French) Jules Michelet
- Our Bird Comrades Leander S. Keyser
- Passenger Pigeon