Books about Prehistoric peoples -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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The Lost World Arthur Conan Doyle 1905 downloads
The dreadful dragon of Hay Hill Sir Max Beerbohm 1355 downloads
The Land That Time Forgot Edgar Rice Burroughs 527 downloads
Before Adam Jack London 436 downloads
The Return of Tharn Howard Browne 219 downloads
The eternal savage Edgar Rice Burroughs 216 downloads
La Guerre du Feu: Roman des âges farouches (French) aîné J.-H. Rosny 189 downloads
The Master-Girl Ashton Hilliers 187 downloads
B. C. 30,000 S. P. Meek 177 downloads
Warrior of the Dawn Howard Browne 172 downloads
Les Xipéhuz (French) aîné J.-H. Rosny and jeune J.-H. Rosny 169 downloads
In the Morning of Time Sir Charles G. D. Roberts 162 downloads
The wonder stick Stanton A. Coblentz 158 downloads
The Story of Ab: A Tale of the Time of the Cave Man Stanley Waterloo 152 downloads
Scènes préhistoriques (French) aîné J.-H. Rosny 143 downloads
The Beginning Henry Hasse 139 downloads
Vamiré: Romance dos tempos primitivos (Portuguese) aîné J.-H. Rosny 138 downloads
Pic the Weapon-Maker George Langford 120 downloads
Oogie Finds Love Berkeley Livingston 119 downloads
From Monkey to Man, or, Society in the Tertiary Age Austin Bierbower 112 downloads
Kutnar, Son of Pic George Langford 112 downloads
The Pagan's Progress Gouverneur Morris 110 downloads
The Lost World Arthur Conan Doyle 109 downloads
Kadonnut maailma (Finnish) Arthur Conan Doyle 107 downloads
Luolaihmiset: Kertomus ihmissuvun alkuajoilta (Finnish) Stanley Waterloo 97 downloads
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