Books about Dime novels (sorted by popularity)
Dick Merriwell's Glory; Or, Friends and Foes Burt L. Standish 124 downloads
The Bradys' Race for Life; or, Rounding Up a Tough Trio: A Detective Story of Life Francis Worcester Doughty 124 downloads
The Stolen Brain; Or, A Wonderful Crime Nicholas Carter 124 downloads
Under the Tiger's Claws; Or, A Struggle for the Right Nicholas Carter 123 downloads
The Texas Hawks; or, The Strange Decoy Jos. E. Badger 123 downloads
Born to Good Luck; or The Boy Who Succeeded. Self-made man 123 downloads
Frank Reade, Jr., With His New Steam Man in Central America Luis Senarens 123 downloads
Motor Matt's Enemies; or, A Struggle for the Right Stanley R. Matthews 123 downloads
Frank Merriwell on the Boulevards; Or, Astonishing the Europeans Burt L. Standish 123 downloads
Motor Matt's Close Call; or, The Snare of Don Carlos Stanley R. Matthews 123 downloads
The Girl Avenger; or, The Beautiful Terror of the Maumee T. C. Harbaugh 122 downloads
Lightning Jo, the Terror of the Santa Fe Trail: A Tale of the Present Day Edward Sylvester Ellis 122 downloads
With Links of Steel; Or, The Peril of the Unknown Nicholas Carter 122 downloads
Bats in the Wall; or, The Mystery of Trinity Church-yard P. T. Raymond 122 downloads
The Man Without a Conscience; Or, From Rogue to Convict Nicholas Carter 121 downloads
Dead Shot; Or, The White Vulture: A Romance of the Yellowstone Albert W. Aiken 121 downloads
Motor Matt's Engagement; or, On the Road with a Show Stanley R. Matthews 121 downloads
Motor Matt's Daring; or, True to His Friends Stanley R. Matthews 121 downloads
Motor Matt's Prize; or, The Pluck That Wins Stanley R. Matthews 121 downloads
The Prisoner of the Mill; or, Captain Hayward's "Body Guard" Harry Hazelton 121 downloads
Countess Vera; or, The Oath of Vengeance Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 121 downloads
A Copper Harvest; or, The Boys who Worked a Deserted Mine Self-made man 121 downloads
Motor Matt's Double Trouble; or, The Last of the Hoodoo Stanley R. Matthews 120 downloads
The Spruce Street Tragedy; or, Old Spicer Handles a Double Mystery 120 downloads
Frank Reade Jr.'s Air Wonder, The "Kite"; Or, A Six Weeks' Flight Over the Andes Luis Senarens 120 downloads