Books about Dime novels (sorted by popularity)
Shadow, the Mysterious Detective Police Captain Howard 126 downloads
Frank Reade Jr.'s Submarine Boat; or, to the North Pole Under the Ice. Luis Senarens 126 downloads
Frank Merriwell on the Boulevards; Or, Astonishing the Europeans Burt L. Standish 126 downloads
A Dangerous Flirtation; Or, Did Ida May Sin? Laura Jean Libbey 126 downloads
Motor Matt's Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot Stanley R. Matthews 125 downloads
Midnight Jack, or The road-agent T. C. Harbaugh 125 downloads
Motor Matt's Close Call; or, The Snare of Don Carlos Stanley R. Matthews 125 downloads
Scarred Eagle; or, Moorooine, the sporting fawn. A story of lake and shore Andrew Dearborn 125 downloads
Lost in the Atlantic Valley; Or, Frank Reade, Jr., and His Wonder, the "Dart" Luis Senarens 125 downloads
Ben, the Trapper; Or, The Mountain Demon: A Tale of the Black Hills Albert W. Aiken 125 downloads
Motor Matt's Race; or, The Last Flight of the Comet Stanley R. Matthews 124 downloads
Lightning Jo, the Terror of the Santa Fe Trail: A Tale of the Present Day Edward Sylvester Ellis 123 downloads
Motor Matt's Enemies; or, A Struggle for the Right Stanley R. Matthews 123 downloads
Countess Vera; or, The Oath of Vengeance Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 123 downloads
Under the Tiger's Claws; Or, A Struggle for the Right Nicholas Carter 123 downloads
A Battle for Right; Or, A Clash of Wits Nicholas Carter 123 downloads
With Links of Steel; Or, The Peril of the Unknown Nicholas Carter 123 downloads
Motor Matt's "Century" Run; or, The Governor's Courier Stanley R. Matthews 123 downloads
A Copper Harvest; or, The Boys who Worked a Deserted Mine Self-made man 122 downloads
Motor Matt's Promise; or, The Wreck of the Hawk Stanley R. Matthews 122 downloads
Born to Good Luck; or The Boy Who Succeeded. Self-made man 122 downloads
The Stolen Brain; Or, A Wonderful Crime Nicholas Carter 122 downloads
The Texas Hawks; or, The Strange Decoy Jos. E. Badger 121 downloads
Buffalo Bill Among the Sioux; Or, The Fight in the Rapids Prentiss Ingraham 121 downloads
Motor Matt's Prize; or, The Pluck That Wins Stanley R. Matthews 121 downloads