Books about Dime novels (sorted by popularity)
The squaw spy; or the rangers of the lava-beds T. C. Harbaugh 142 downloads
Frank Merriwell's Trust; Or, Never Say Die Burt L. Standish 141 downloads
Leslie's loyalty Charles Garvice 141 downloads
The Island Trapper; or, The Young White-Buffalo Hunters T. C. Harbaugh 141 downloads
Motor Matt's Hard Luck; or, The Balloon-House Plot Stanley R. Matthews 141 downloads
Motor Matt's Make-and-Break; or, Advancing the Spark of Friendship Stanley R. Matthews 141 downloads
Under the Polar Star; or, The Young Explorers Dwight Weldon 140 downloads
Frank Merriwell's First Job; Or, At the Foot of the Ladder Burt L. Standish 140 downloads
Frank Reade, Jr., and His Electric Ice Ship; or, Driven Adrift in the Frozen Sky. Luis Senarens 140 downloads
Young Wild West at "Forbidden Pass" Old scout 139 downloads
The red wizard, or, the cave captive Edward Sylvester Ellis 139 downloads
Ruby Roland, the Girl Spy; or, Simon Kenton's Protege Frederick Whittaker 139 downloads
Frank Merriwell's Marriage; Or, Inza's Happiest Day Burt L. Standish 139 downloads
Frank Merriwell's Own Company; Or, Barnstorming in the Middle West Burt L. Standish 139 downloads
A Sharper's Downfall; Or, Into the Net Nicholas Carter 139 downloads
Frank Merriwell's Support; Or, A Triple Play Burt L. Standish 139 downloads
Owen Clancy's Run of Luck; or, The Motor Wizard in the Garage Burt L. Standish 138 downloads
Dick Merriwell's Heroic Players; Or, How the Yale Nine Won the Championship Burt L. Standish 138 downloads
Old Ruff, the Trapper; or, The Young Fur-Hunters Edward Sylvester Ellis 138 downloads
Nick Carter Stories No. 135. April 10, 1915; Straight to the Goal; Or, Nick Carter's Queer Challenge Nicholas Carter 138 downloads
Geoffrey's victory; or, the double deception Mrs. Georgie Sheldon 138 downloads
Frank Reade, Jr., with his new steam man in Mexico Luis Senarens 136 downloads
The Great Green Diamond; Or, Thief Against Thief Inspector Stark 136 downloads
Molly's treachery Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 136 downloads
Buffalo Bill's Best Bet; Or, A Sure Thing Well Won Prentiss Ingraham 135 downloads