Books about Didactic fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush William Makepeace Thackeray 229 downloads
The History of Miss Betsy Thoughtless Eliza Fowler Haywood 222 downloads
A pair of blue eyes Thomas Hardy 221 downloads
Autobiography of a Female Slave Martha Griffith Browne 216 downloads
Captain Jinks, Hero Ernest Crosby 213 downloads
The Autobiography of a Quack, and The Case of George Dedlow S. Weir Mitchell 211 downloads
The 13th District: A Story of a Candidate Brand Whitlock 208 downloads
Two on a Tower Thomas Hardy 204 downloads
Anna Karenina, 2. Band (German) graf Leo Tolstoy 203 downloads
Old Gorgon Graham George Horace Lorimer 203 downloads
The Old Curiosity Shop Charles Dickens 195 downloads
The Voice Margaret Wade Campbell Deland 193 downloads
The Plum Tree David Graham Phillips 191 downloads
Comrade Yetta Albert Edwards 190 downloads
The Return of the Native Thomas Hardy 190 downloads
Anna Karénine, Tome I (French) graf Leo Tolstoy 183 downloads
"Undo": A Novel Joe Hutsko 181 downloads
Anna Karenina (Dutch) graf Leo Tolstoy 180 downloads
Onkel Toms Hytte (Norwegian) Harriet Beecher Stowe 180 downloads
Adam Bede George Eliot 179 downloads
Coelebs In Search of a Wife Hannah More 174 downloads
The Captain's Bunk M. B. Manwell 174 downloads
'Charge It': Keeping Up With Harry Irving Bacheller 174 downloads
Horace Chase Constance Fenimore Woolson 173 downloads
Look on the sunny side : and other sketches Ruth Lamb 173 downloads