Books about English drama (sorted alphabetically)
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Atlantic Book of Modern Plays
Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, Vol. 04 of 10 Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, Vol. 05 of 10 Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, Vol. 06 of 10 Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, Vol. 07 of 10 Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, Vol. 08 of 10 Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, Vol. 09 of 10 Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, Vol. 10 of 10 Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
Big Drum: A Comedy in Four Acts Arthur Wing Pinero
Bit O' Love John Galsworthy
Blot in the 'Scutcheon Robert Browning
Burlesque Plays and Poems
Busie Body Susanna Centlivre
City Bride (1696) Joseph Harris
Complete Plays of John Galsworthy John Galsworthy
Covent Garden Theatre, or Pasquin Turn'd Drawcansir Charles Macklin
Dear Brutus J. M. Barrie
Dolly Reforming Herself: A Comedy in Four Acts Henry Arthur Jones
Duke of Gandia Algernon Charles Swinburne
Eldest Son John Galsworthy
Erechtheus Algernon Charles Swinburne
Family Man : in three acts John Galsworthy
Fanny and the Servant Problem Jerome K. Jerome
Fanny's First Play Bernard Shaw
Fatal Dowry Philip Massinger and Nathaniel Field
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