Books about Country life -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
At the Little Brown House Ruth Brown MacArthur 182 downloads
The Woodcraft Girls at Camp Lillian Elizabeth Roy 178 downloads
Bessie among the Mountains Joanna H. Mathews 178 downloads
Four Little Blossoms at Brookside Farm Mabel C. Hawley 177 downloads
Bertie's Home; or, the Way to be Happy Madeline Leslie 177 downloads
Through Forest and Fire Edward Sylvester Ellis 174 downloads
Randy's Summer: A Story for Girls Amy Brooks 173 downloads
Mary Erskine Jacob Abbott 173 downloads
Gypsy Breynton Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 172 downloads
Peter and Polly in Winter Rose Lucia 169 downloads
The Old Market-Cart F. Burge Griswold 164 downloads
The Boy Broker; Or, Among the Kings of Wall Street Frank Andrew Munsey 162 downloads
In the Mist of the Mountains Ethel Turner 162 downloads
Stuyvesant: A Franconia Story Jacob Abbott 162 downloads
Sunny Boy in the Country Ramy Allison White 162 downloads
Caleb in the Country Jacob Abbott 161 downloads
Clarice Egerton's life story : or, What she could Annette Lyster 158 downloads
Mary Jane—Her Visit Clara Ingram Judson 157 downloads
Winter Fun William O. Stoddard 154 downloads
Rollo in the Woods Jacob Abbott 154 downloads
Happy Little Edward Unknown 151 downloads
Edwin, the young rabbit fancier, and other stories Anonymous 151 downloads
Hildegarde's Neighbors Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards 151 downloads
Queechy Susan Warner 150 downloads
Buddy Jim Elizabeth Gordon 150 downloads