Books about Hunting stories (sorted alphabetically)
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Adrift in the Ice-Fields Charles Winslow Hall
Around the Camp-fire Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
aventures de M. Colin-Tampon (French) Jules Girardin
Bart Keene's Hunting Days; or, The Darewell Chums in a Winter Camp Allen Chapman
Black Wolf Pack Daniel Carter Beard
Blue-Bird Weather Robert W. Chambers
Boy Hunters of Kentucky Edward Sylvester Ellis
Candy Country Louisa May Alcott
Cat and Mouse Ralph Williams
chasse à l'oppossum (French)
chasseur d'ours (French) Charles Buet
Danger at Mormon Crossing Robert Leckie
Dead Man's Land George Manville Fenn
Double Challenge Jim Kjelgaard
Flying Tuskers of K'niik-K'naak Jack Sharkey
Frank Allen at Old Moose Lake; or, The trail in the snow Graham B. Forbes
Giraffe Hunters Mayne Reid
Gun Club boys of Lakeport : or, The island camp Edward Stratemeyer
How John Norton the Trapper Kept His Christmas W. H. H. Murray
Hunters' Feast: Conversations Around the Camp Fire Mayne Reid
Hunting License James V. McConnell
Hunt the Hog of Joe Robert E. Gilbert
Hunt the Hunter Kris Neville
Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities Robert Smith Surtees
Lair of the Dragonbird Robert Silverberg
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