Books about Christmas stories (sorted by popularity)
Christmas Outside of Eden Coningsby Dawson 143 downloads
A Napa Christchild; and Benicia's Letters Charles A. Gunnison 142 downloads
Christmas in Storyland 142 downloads
Seven Xmas Eves : Being the romance of a social evolution 142 downloads
Her Christmas at the Hermitage: A Tale About Rachel and Andrew Jackson Helen Topping Miller 140 downloads
A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens 139 downloads
The Birds' Christmas Carol Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin 139 downloads
The Truce of God Mary Roberts Rinehart 139 downloads
The Strange Visitation Marie Corelli 138 downloads
The House With Sixty Closets: A Christmas Story for Young Folks and Old Children Frank Samuel Child 138 downloads
Uncle Noah's Christmas Inspiration Leona Dalrymple 138 downloads
The Christmas Child Hesba Stretton 137 downloads
Under the Holly: Christmas-Tide in Song and Story 136 downloads
Christian Gellert's Last Christmas Berthold Auerbach 136 downloads
X-mas sketches from the Dartmouth Literary Monthly 136 downloads
Betty Leicester's Christmas Sarah Orne Jewett 135 downloads
Mr. Bamboo and the Honorable Little God Frances Little 134 downloads
Bertha Weisser's wish : A Christmas story Mary L. Bissell 134 downloads
The Santa Claus Brownies Ethel Calvert Phillips 133 downloads
When the Yule Log Burns: A Christmas Story Leona Dalrymple 132 downloads
Blade-O'-Grass. Golden Grain. and Bread and Cheese and Kisses. B. L. Farjeon 130 downloads
And Thus He Came: A Christmas Fantasy Cyrus Townsend Brady 130 downloads
Our Christmas party Edwin Hodder 129 downloads
Christmas, A Happy Time Alicia Catherine Mant 129 downloads
The Misfit Christmas Puddings Consolation Club 129 downloads