Books about Christmas plays (sorted alphabetically)
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Alias Santa Claus : A play for Christmas Percival Wilde
Christmas at McCarthy's Elizabeth F. Guptill
Christmas at Punkin Holler Elizabeth F. Guptill
Christmas Candles: Plays for Boys and Girls Elsie Hobart Carter
Christmas Carol; Or, The Miser's Warning! Charles Dickens and C. Z. Barnett
Christmas Dinner Shepherd Knapp
Christmas eve at Mulligan's Marie Irish
Christmas Speakin' at Skaggs's Skule Marie Irish
Christmas Tale: in One Act Maurice Bouchor
coming of peace (A family catastrophe) Gerhart Hauptmann
Down the Chimney Shepherd Knapp
evergreen tree Percy MacKaye
Friedensfest : Eine Familienkatastrophe (German) Gerhart Hauptmann
In a Toy Shop: A Christmas Play for Small Children Effa E. Preston
Inventor. Introducing the Wishing Box. A Christmas Play Elsie Duncan Yale
lighting of the Christmas tree Selma Lagerlöf, Josephine Ludlow Palmer, and Annie Longfellow Thorp
Merry Christmas of the Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe George M. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus: Musical Christmas play in four scenes Maud Brunton
Mystery Play in Honour of the Nativity of our Lord Robert Hugh Benson
Old Scrooge": A Christmas Carol in Five Staves. Charles Dickens and Charles Augustus Scott
Peace Egg and Other tales Juliana Horatia Ewing
quest for Santa Claus Frank Atkinson
Santa Claus' Daughter: A Musical Christmas Burlesque in Two Acts Everett Elliott and F. W. Hardcastle
Santa Claus' Frolics George M. Baker
Santa Claus Gets His Wish: A Christmas Play in One Act For Young Children Blanche Proctor Fisher
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