Books about Drama (sorted by popularity)
The Electric Man Charles Hannan 172 downloads
The Count of Narbonne: A Tragedy, in Five Acts Horace Walpole and Robert Jephson 170 downloads
De Pleiters (Dutch) Jean Racine 169 downloads
Poker! Zora Neale Hurston 168 downloads
The Faith Healer: A Play in Three Acts William Vaughn Moody 166 downloads
Opera nova amorosa, vol. 3 (Italian) Napolitano Notturno 165 downloads
The Man from Home Booth Tarkington and Harry Leon Wilson 165 downloads
The Exhibition Drama George M. Baker 165 downloads
Enrico IV (Italian) Luigi Pirandello 164 downloads
Los favores del mundo (Spanish) Juan Ruiz de Alarcón 164 downloads
Six Plays Lady Florence Henrietta Fisher Darwin 164 downloads
The Nephews: A Play, in Five Acts. August Wilhelm Iffland 163 downloads
Die ungleichen Schalen: Fünf einaktige Dramen (German) Jakob Wassermann 162 downloads
Min Tants Planer: Komedi i en akt (Swedish) Henri Nicolle 160 downloads
Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911: The Moth and the Flame Clyde Fitch 157 downloads
Die Soldaten (German) Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz 157 downloads
The Immortal Lure Cale Young Rice 156 downloads
The Hubble-Shue Christian Carstairs 155 downloads
Ο Άγιος Δημήτριος: Μυστήριον εις πράξεις 3 (Modern Greek (1453-)) Platon Rodokanakes 155 downloads
Ο Σινάνης: Κωμωδία εις πέντε πράξεις (Modern Greek (1453-)) D. K. Vyzantios 153 downloads
The Ghost of Jerry Bundler W. W. Jacobs and Charles Rock 149 downloads
Mosada: A dramatic poem W. B. Yeats 149 downloads
Gycia: A Tragedy in Five Acts Lewis Morris 149 downloads
Tri unuaktaj komedioj (Esperanto) August von Kotzebue, T. Williams, and Marie Hankel 148 downloads
Krindlesyke Wilfrid Wilson Gibson 147 downloads