Books about Widows -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
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Adventures of a Widow: A Novel Edgar Fawcett
American Henry James
At Fault Kate Chopin
Aunt Anne, Vol. 1 (of 2) Mrs. W. K. Clifford
Aunt Anne, Vol. 2 (of 2) Mrs. W. K. Clifford
Aunt Jane of Kentucky Eliza Calvert Hall
book of Evelyn Geraldine Bonner
Cardinal's Snuff-Box Henry Harland
Claverings Anthony Trollope
Country Lodgings Mary Russell Mitford
Dark Hollow Anna Katharine Green
Day of the Dog George Barr McCutcheon
Democracy, an American novel Henry Adams
Ecstasy, A Study of Happiness: A Novel Louis Couperus
Extaze: Een Boek van Geluk (Dutch) Louis Couperus
Fiander's Widow: A Novel M. E. Francis
Fruit of the Tree Edith Wharton
Good-Morning, Rosamond!" Constance Lindsay Skinner
Hepsey Burke Frank N. Westcott
Hermia Suydam Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton
His darling sin M. E. Braddon
Inner Shrine Basil King
Intrusions of Peggy Anthony Hope
Jack-Knife Man Ellis Parker Butler
Jezebel's Daughter Wilkie Collins
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