Books about Poetry -- Early works to 1800 (sorted by popularity)
Displaying results 1–11
The Poetics of Aristotle Aristotle 4685 downloads
A Defence of Poesie and Poems Philip Sidney 1206 downloads
An Essay on Criticism Alexander Pope 979 downloads
Aristotle on the art of poetry Aristotle 786 downloads
Poetics Aristotle 669 downloads
Über die Dichtkunst beim Aristoteles (German) Aristotle 663 downloads
The Arte of English Poesie George Puttenham 345 downloads
Genesis A : Translated from the Old English 276 downloads
The Interlude of Wealth and Health Anonymous 174 downloads
Lectures on Poetry Joseph Trapp 155 downloads
Runousoppi (Finnish) Aristotle 129 downloads
Displaying results 1–11