Old Ruff, the Trapper; or, The Young Fur-Hunters
Edward Sylvester Ellis
Nat, The Trapper and Indian-Fighter
Lettie Artley Irons
Iron Hand, Chief of the Tory League; or, The Double Face
Frederick Forest
The Wolf Queen; or, The Giant Hermit of the Scioto
T. C. Harbaugh
De graaf de Lhorailles (Dutch)
Gustave Aimard
Punaiset sudet: Historiallinen seikkailukertomus (Finnish)
C. August Cederborg
Buffalo Bill, the Border King; Or, Redskin and Cowboy
Prentiss Ingraham
The Tahquitch Maiden: A Tale of the San Jacintos
Phebe Estelle Spalding
Rainbolt, the Ranger; or, The Aerial Demon of the Mountain
Oll Coomes
Oswego-joella: "Tienviitan" seikkailuja, intiaanikertomus (Finnish)
James Fenimore Cooper
The Sealed Valley
Hulbert Footner
Pakkasen lapsia (Finnish)
Jack London
The Gray Scalp; Or, The Blackfoot Brave
Edward Willett
Tom Terror, the Outlaw
James Jackson
Mehiläispyytäjä: Kertomus Lännen saloilta (Finnish)
James Fenimore Cooper
Free Trapper's Pass; or, the Gold-seeker's Daughter!
William R. Eyster
Midnight Jack, or The road-agent
T. C. Harbaugh
The Silent Call
Edwin Milton Royle
Der alte Trapper (German)
James Fenimore Cooper
Atala: Seikkailu aarniometsässä (Finnish)
vicomte de François-René Chateaubriand
Haukansilmä (Finnish)
James Fenimore Cooper
Rolf salolla: Erään partiopojan, Kuonab intiaanin ja Skookum koiran seikkailut (Finnish)
Ernest Thompson Seton
vicomte de François-René Chateaubriand
L'homme sauvage (French)
Johann Gottlob Benjamin Pfeil
The War-Trail Fort: Further Adventures of Thomas Fox and Pitamakan
James Willard Schultz