Books about Indians of North America -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
Punaiset sudet: Historiallinen seikkailukertomus (Finnish) C. August Cederborg 111 downloads
Hiljaisten metsien tyttö (Finnish) Stewart Edward White 108 downloads
The prior claim Eleanor Mercein Kelly 105 downloads
Haukansilmä (Finnish) James Fenimore Cooper 105 downloads
L'homme sauvage (French) Johann Gottlob Benjamin Pfeil 103 downloads
The Sealed Valley Hulbert Footner 101 downloads
The skeleton scout; or, The border block Albert W. Aiken 100 downloads
The Wolf Queen; or, The Giant Hermit of the Scioto T. C. Harbaugh 100 downloads
Atala: Seikkailu aarniometsässä (Finnish) vicomte de François-René Chateaubriand 99 downloads
Wolf-Cap; or, The Night-Hawks of the Fire-Lands: A Tale of the Bloody Fort T. C. Harbaugh 98 downloads
The Translation of a Savage, Volume 2 Gilbert Parker 97 downloads
Beyond the sunset Arthur D. Howden Smith 97 downloads
The Tahquitch Maiden: A Tale of the San Jacintos Phebe Estelle Spalding 96 downloads
The Translation of a Savage, Volume 3 Gilbert Parker 94 downloads
Oswego-joella: "Tienviitan" seikkailuja, intiaanikertomus (Finnish) James Fenimore Cooper 84 downloads
Mehiläispyytäjä: Kertomus Lännen saloilta (Finnish) James Fenimore Cooper 81 downloads
Free Trapper's Pass; or, the Gold-seeker's Daughter! William R. Eyster 74 downloads
The Translation of a Savage, Volume 1 Gilbert Parker 60 downloads