Books about Fathers and sons -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoyevsky 19469 downloads
Das Urteil: Eine Geschichte (German) Franz Kafka 1407 downloads
Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts: Novelle (German) Freiherr von Joseph Eichendorff 1162 downloads
Fathers and Sons Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev 992 downloads
Camille (La Dame aux Camilias) Alexandre Dumas 642 downloads
La dame aux camélias (French) Alexandre Dumas 624 downloads
Sämtliche Werke 9-10: Die Brüder Karamasoff (German) Fyodor Dostoyevsky 473 downloads
Emmanuel Appadocca; or, Blighted life, Volume 1 (of 2) : A tale of the boucaneers Maxwell Philip 409 downloads
Armadale Wilkie Collins 370 downloads
The Lost Prince Frances Hodgson Burnett 366 downloads
Fathers and Children Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev 339 downloads
Rebel Spurs Andre Norton 311 downloads
Gladiator Philip Wylie 303 downloads
Clayhanger Arnold Bennett 295 downloads
Emmanuel Appadocca; or, Blighted life, Volume 2 (of 2) : A tale of the boucaneers Maxwell Philip 289 downloads
Pelle the Conqueror — Complete Martin Andersen Nexø 287 downloads
Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son George Horace Lorimer 277 downloads
The Young Duke Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli 269 downloads
The mill of silence Bernard Capes 261 downloads
Forward from Babylon Louis Golding 246 downloads
La dama de las camelias; Una familia corsa (Spanish) Alexandre Dumas and Alexandre Dumas 241 downloads
Black is White George Barr McCutcheon 241 downloads
The Valley of the Giants Peter B. Kyne 224 downloads
Weir of Hermiston: An Unfinished Romance Robert Louis Stevenson 213 downloads
Vice Versa; or, A Lesson to Fathers F. Anstey 210 downloads
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