Books about Inheritance and succession -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
The radio ghost Otis Adelbert Kline 265 downloads
The Belton Estate Anthony Trollope 265 downloads
Rich Man, Poor Man Maximilian Foster 261 downloads
La Terre (French) Émile Zola 260 downloads
Gevoel en verstand (Dutch) Jane Austen 258 downloads
The Incendiary: A Story of Mystery William Augustine Leahy 257 downloads
The Land of Frozen Suns: A Novel Bertrand W. Sinclair 257 downloads
Miss Million's Maid: A Romance of Love and Fortune Berta Ruck 257 downloads
Uneasy Money P. G. Wodehouse 255 downloads
The House of a Thousand Candles Meredith Nicholson 253 downloads
The Children of the Abbey: A Tale Regina Maria Roche 251 downloads
Basil Wilkie Collins 247 downloads
The Claverings Anthony Trollope 240 downloads
Wylder's Hand Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu 236 downloads
Bleak House Charles Dickens 236 downloads
Cousin Henry Anthony Trollope 236 downloads
Red Money Fergus Hume 234 downloads
The Soil (La terre): A Realistic Novel Émile Zola 234 downloads
The Man from Brodney's George Barr McCutcheon 233 downloads
The Duke Decides Headon Hill 231 downloads
The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne's Temptation: A Christmas Story Louisa May Alcott 227 downloads
The Lonely Stronghold Mrs. Baillie Reynolds 225 downloads
Diane of the Green Van Leona Dalrymple 223 downloads
A Crooked Path: A Novel Mrs. Alexander 220 downloads
Barrington. Volume 1 (of 2) Charles James Lever 217 downloads