Books about Short stories, American (sorted alphabetically)
- Sam Lawson's Oldtown Fireside Stories Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Sandburrs Alfred Henry Lewis
- Scarecrow, and Other Stories G. Ranger Wormser
- Selected Stories of Bret Harte Bret Harte
- Selections from Poe Edgar Allan Poe
- Sentimental Vikings R. V. Risley
- Shadows and sunbeams: Being a second series of Fern leaves from Fanny's portfolio Fanny Fern
- Shadowy Third, and Other Stories Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow
- Shapes that Haunt the Dusk
- Short Sixes": Stories to be Read While the Candle Burns H. C. Bunner
- Short Stories for English Courses
- Short Stories for High Schools
- Short stories from Life: The 81 prize stories in "Life's" Shortest Story Contest
- Short Story Classics (American) Vol. 2
- Shorty McCabe on the Job Sewell Ford
- Side-stepping with Shorty Sewell Ford
- Silas X. Floyd's Short Stories for Colored People Both Old and Young Silas Xavier Floyd
- Silent Singer Clara Morris
- silica gel pseudomorph, and other stories Edward Hart
- Silver Pitchers: and Independence, a Centennial Love Story Louisa May Alcott
- Sixes and Sevens O. Henry
- Sketches of Gotham Ike Swift
- snow-image, and other twice-told tales Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Solomon Constance Fenimore Woolson
- Some Short Stories [by Henry James] Henry James