Books about Islands -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Man from Brodney's George Barr McCutcheon
Maru: A Dream of the Sea H. De Vere Stacpoole
Masterman Ready Frederick Marryat
Masterman Ready; Or, The Wreck of the "Pacific" Frederick Marryat
Nedra George Barr McCutcheon
Never the twain shall meet Peter B. Kyne
New Paul and Virginia; Or, Positivism on an Island W. H. Mallock
On the Seaboard: A Novel of the Baltic Islands August Strindberg
Overman Upton Sinclair
Pearl of Orr's Island: A Story of the Coast of Maine Harriet Beecher Stowe
Personal Problem H. Bedford-Jones
Phantasten: Roman (German) Erich von Mendelssohn
Phroso: A Romance Anthony Hope
Pirates' Hope Francis Lynde
queen of the isle : A novel May Agnes Fleming
rat-trap Dolf Wyllarde
Rebilius Crūsō : Robinson Crusoe, in Latin; a book to lighten tedium to a learner (Latin) Daniel Defoe
Rebilius Cruso: Robinson Crusoe, in Latin; a book to lighten tedium to a learner (Latin) Daniel Defoe
red fetish Frank Belknap Long
Riallaro: The Archipelago of Exiles Godfrey Sweven
Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe (Finnish) Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe (I/II) (French) Daniel Defoe