Books in Science Fiction (sorted alphabetically by author)
Vanishing Point C. C. Beck
Miss Ludington's Sister Edward Bellamy
Looking Backward, 2000 to 1887 Edward Bellamy
Equality Edward Bellamy
Dr. Heidenhoff's Process Edward Bellamy
The Blindman's World Edward Bellamy
Atlantida Pierre Benoît
The Right Time John Berryman
The Trouble with Telstar John Berryman
Modus Vivendi John Berryman
Card Trick John Berryman
Vigorish John Berryman
Shipwreck in the Sky Eando Binder
Zen Jerome Bixby
Where There's Hope Jerome Bixby
The Slizzers Jerome Bixby
The Draw Jerome Bixby
The Holes Around Mars Jerome Bixby
Zero Hour Alexander Blade
One-Shot James Blish
The Thing in the Attic James Blish
This Crowded Earth Robert Bloch
Make me an offer Con Blomberg
Sales talk Con Blomberg
Lighter Than You Think Nelson S. Bond