Books in Precursors of Science Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
- Last American John Ames Mitchell
- Last Man Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
- Lucian's True History of Samosata Lucian
- Micromégas (French) Voltaire
- Republic Without a President, and Other Stories Herbert D. Ward
- Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson
- Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson
- Trips to the Moon of Samosata Lucian
- Vingtième Siècle: La Vie Électrique (French) Albert Robida
- Works of Lucian of Samosata — Volume 02 of Samosata Lucian
- Λουκιανός - Άπαντα, Τόμος Τρίτος (Modern Greek (1453-)) of Samosata Lucian