Books in Browsing: Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Academy Boys in Camp Mrs. S. F. Keene
Accept no substitutes Robert Sheckley
Accidental Death Peter Baily
Accidental Honeymoon Edward Barron
According to Plato Frank Frankfort Moore
Account of an expedition to the interior of New Holland Richard Whately and Lady Mary Fox
Aces Up Covington Clarke
Acharnians Aristophanes
Achatnen Kugeln: Roman (German) Kasimir Edschmid
acht Gesichter am Biwasee: Japanische Liebesgeschichten (German) Max Dauthendey
Achtzehn Töchter: Eine Frauen-Novelle (German) Leopold Schefer
Acid Bath Bill Garson
Across India; Or, Live Boys in the Far East Oliver Optic
Across Texas Edward Sylvester Ellis
Across the Cameroons: A Story of War and Adventure Charles Gilson
Across the Chasm Julia Magruder
Across the Fruited Plain Florence Crannell Means
Across the Mesa Helen Bagg
Across the Salt Seas: A Romance of the War of Succession John Bloundelle-Burton
Across the Spanish Main: A Tale of the Sea in the Days of Queen Bess Harry Collingwood
Across the Stream E. F. Benson
Across the Years Eleanor H. Porter
Acté (French) Alexandre Dumas
Act in a Backwater E. F. Benson
Action on Azura Robertson Osborne