Books in Browsing: Teaching & Education (sorted alphabetically by author)
Advice to a Young Man upon First Going to Oxford Edward Berens
A Proposal for the Better Supplying of Churches in Our Foreign Plantations, and for Converting the Savage Americans to Christianity, By a College to Be Erected in the Summer Islands, Otherwise Called the Isles of Bermuda George Berkeley
The forward pass in football Elmer Berry
L'abbé Sicard (French) Ferdinand Berthier
The Deaf Harry Best
New Ideals in Rural Schools George Herbert Betts
How to Teach Religion George Herbert Betts
The Recitation George Herbert Betts
The Mind and Its Education George Herbert Betts
Sex-education Maurice A. Bigelow
La Suggestibilité (French) Alfred Binet
Mentally Defective Children Alfred Binet and Théodore Simon
Greek primer, colloquial and constructive John Stuart Blackie
A Practical Physiology: A Text-Book for Higher Schools Albert F. Blaisdell
The Story of American History for Elementary Schools Albert F. Blaisdell
Hero Stories from American History Albert F. Blaisdell and Francis Kingsley Ball
Teachers' outlines for studies in English, based on the requirements for admission to college Gilbert Sykes Blakely
The high school course in English Willard Grosvenor Bleyer
Het Esperanto in Twintig Lessen (Dutch) A. Blok
Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis Leonard Bloomfield
What the Schools Teach and Might Teach John Franklin Bobbitt
List of Books in Belles Lettres Published by John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1895 Bodley Head
Kleine deutsche Sprachlehre (German) Hermann Bohm and Walter Steinert
Successward: A Young Man's Book for Young Men Edward William Bok
After Prison--What? Maud Ballington Booth