The Mathematical Theory of Relativity
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington
Grounds of Natural Philosophy: Divided into Thirteen Parts
Duchess of Margaret Cavendish Newcastle
Relativitätstheorie und Erkenntnis Apriori (German)
Hans Reichenbach
Animal Locomotion; or, walking, swimming, and flying
James Bell Pettigrew
Lehrbuch der Physik zum Schulgebrauche. (German)
Wilhelm Winter
First Lessons in Natural Philosophy for Beginners
Joseph C. Martindale
Natuurkunde in de Huiskamer: ongeveer 100 proeven met huishoudelijke voorwerpen. (Dutch)
Tom Tit
Science for the School and Family, Part I. Natural Philosophy
Worthington Hooker
On the various forces of nature and their relations to each other
Michael Faraday
The Poetry of Science; or, Studies of the Physical Phenomena of Nature
Robert Hunt
Elementary Principles of Statistical Mechanics
J. Willard Gibbs
Treatise on Thermodynamics
Max Planck
The Letter of Petrus Peregrinus on the Magnet, A.D. 1269
active 13th century de Maricourt Pierre
Elémens de la philosophie de Neuton: Mis à la portée de tout le monde (French)
Worlds Within Worlds: The Story of Nuclear Energy, Volume 1 (of 3)
Isaac Asimov
Discorso sopra la calamita (Italian)
Benedetto Castelli
The Study of Elementary Electricity and Magnetism by Experiment
Thomas M. St. John
The Theory of Spectra and Atomic Constitution: Three Essays
Niels Bohr
On the Quantum Theory of Line-Spectra, Part 1 and 2
Niels Bohr
The mystery of space : a study of the hyperspace movement in the light of the evolution of new psychic faculties and an inquiry into the genesis and essential nature of space
Robert T. Browne
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
Edwin Abbott Abbott
Things a Boy Should Know About Electricity
Thomas M. St. John
A Course of Mechanical, Magnetical, Optical, Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Experiments
William Whiston and Francis Hauksbee
Hermann Weyl
Einstein et l'univers: Une lueur dans le mystère des choses (French)
Charles Nordmann