The botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 08 [of 10]
active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 07 [of 10]
active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
Baharia Oasis : Its topography and geology
H. J. L. Beadnell and John Ball
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 06 [of 10]
active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
Principles and practice of agricultural analysis. Volume 1 (of 3), Soils
Harvey Washington Wiley
Au Hoggar : mission de 1922 (French)
Conrad Kilian
Roger Pocock
Diseases of cattle, sheep, goats and swine
G. Moussu and Jno. A. W. Dollar
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 03 & 04 [of 10]
active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
Catching of the whale and seal : or, Henry Acton's conversation to his son William on the whale and seal fishery
The plums of New York
U. P. Hedrick
Hell on ice : The saga of the "Jeannette"
Edward Ellsberg
The evolution of climate
C. E. P. Brooks
Text book of veterinary medicine, Volume 3 (of 5)
James Law
A history of Vermont's maple sugar industry
Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association
Principles and practice of agricultural analysis. Volume 2 (of 3), Fertilizers
Harvey Washington Wiley
Tea, its history and mystery
Joseph M. Walsh
Canaries : their care and management
Alexander Wetmore
How old are fossils?
Sharat Kumar Roy
Travels into North America, Volume 2 (of 3)
Pehr Kalm
Geological facts; or, the crust of the earth, what it is, and what are its uses
W. G. Barrett
The Corning Egg Farm book, by Corning himself
Edward Corning and Gardner Corning
Remarks on the management, or rather, the mis-management of woods, plantations, and hedge-row timber
J. West
Naturgeschichte des Fasans : Ein Auszug aus den Schriften der bewährtesten Naturforscher (German)
Text book of veterinary medicine, Volume 2 (of 5)
James Law