Books in Browsing: Science - Earth/Agricultural/Farming (sorted alphabetically by author)
Small gardens, and how to make the most of them Violet Purton Biddle
Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce E. R. Billings
Useful Knowledge: Volume 1. Minerals William Bingley
The Hurricane Guide William Radcliff Birt
Flytraps and Their Operation [1930] F. C. Bishopp
A Treatise on Sheep: Ambrose Blacklock
The Mentor: Reclaiming the Desert, Vol. 6, Num. 17, Serial No. 165, October 15, 1918 C. J. Blanchard
Instrvcçam sobre a cvltvra das amoreiras, & criaçaõ dos bichos da seda (Portuguese) Rafael Bluteau
Our national forests : a short popular account of the work of the United States Forest service on the national forests Richard H. D. Boerker
Shearing in the Riverina, New South Wales Rolf Boldrewood
Eiszeit und Klimawechsel (German) Wilhelm Bölsche
Aus der Schneegrube (German) Wilhelm Bölsche
Festländer und Meere im Wechsel der Zeiten (German) Wilhelm Bölsche
Riesen und Drachen der Vorzeit. Geschichte der Erde, Dritter Teil (German) R. Bommeli
Charles Lyell and Modern Geology T. G. Bonney
Anweisung zum Weinbau an Gebäuden, Mauern, Lauben und Bäumen (German) Johann Gottfried Bornemann
De ramp van Valparaiso (Dutch) Henri Bourdon
On the cattle plague: or, Contagious typhus in horned cattle. Its history, origin, description, and treatment Honoré Bourguignon
The Vailan or annular theory: A synopsis of Prof. I. N. Vail's argument in support of the claim that this Earth once possessed a Saturn-like system of rings Stephen Bowers
The Andes of Southern Peru Isaiah Bowman
Geological Report on Asbestos and its Indications, in the Province of Quebec, Canada Lucius J. Boyd
About orchids : a chat Frederick Boyle
The Woodlands orchids, described and illustrated : with stories of orchid-collecting, Frederick Boyle
Volcanoes of the United States Steven R. Brantley
A Year in a Lancashire Garden Henry Arthur Bright