Books in Browsing: Science - Astronomy (sorted alphabetically)
Field Book of the Stars William Tyler Olcott
Flowers of the Sky Richard A. Proctor
Future of Astronomy Edward C. Pickering
Galileo and His Judges F. R. Wegg-Prosser
gradual acceptance of the Copernican theory of the universe Dorothy Stimson
Great Astronomers Robert S. Ball
Great Dome on Mercury Arthur Leo Zagat
Half-Hours with the Stars Richard A. Proctor
Half-hours with the Telescope Richard A. Proctor
Heavens Above: A Popular Handbook of Astronomy W. J. Rolfe and J. A. Gillet
Herschels and Modern Astronomy Agnes M. Clerke
History of Astronomy George Forbes
History of the Harvard College Observatory During the Period 1840-1890 Daniel W. Baker
Images of Comet Wild 2, Taken by NASA's Stardust spacecraft in 2004 United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Introduction to Astronomy Forest Ray Moulton
Is Mars habitable? A critical examination of Professor Percival Lowell's book "Mars and its canals," with an alternative explanation Alfred Russel Wallace
Jorden och solsystemet : Några blad ur historien om vetenskapens strider (Swedish) Karl Bohlin
Komet und Erde: Eine astronomische Erzählung (German) Camille Flammarion
Komet und Weltuntergang (German) Wilhelm Bölsche
Lectures on Stellar Statistics C. V. L. Charlier
Letters on Astronomy Denison Olmsted
Maria Mitchell: Life, Letters, and Journals Maria Mitchell
Mars and Its Canals Percival Lowell
Mars and Its Mystery Edward Sylvester Morse
Martyrs of Science, or, The lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler David Brewster