Towards an enduring peace : A symposium of peace proposals and programs 1914-1916
Compulsory manumission : or, An examination of the actual state of the West India question
Alexander McDonnell
Illustrations of political economy, Volume 6 (of 9)
Harriet Martineau
Carrying out the city plan : The practical application of American law in the execution of city plans
Flavel Shurtleff
Border guard : The story of the United States Customs Service
Don Whitehead
Observations on the new constitution, and on the Federal and State conventions, by a Columbian patriot
Mercy Otis Warren
The programmed people
Jack Sharkey
The life and times of John Kelly, tribune of the people
J. Fairfax McLaughlin
Abraham Lincoln
Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson
Margaret Culkin Banning
A kontárság kultusza (Hungarian)
Émile Faguet
A year in Russia
Maurice Baring
Corruption in American politics and life
Robert C. Brooks
The party battles of the Jackson period
Claude G. Bowers
Egalité des hommes et des femmes : A la Reyne (French)
Marie Le Jars de Gournay
The first American King
George Gordon Hastings
Jefferson and Hamilton : The struggle for democracy in America
Claude G. Bowers
Il tallone di ferro (Italian)
Jack London
Citizen or subject?
Francis X. Hennessy
The World Court (Vol. I, No. 1, Aug. 1915)
Recent discussions on the abolition of patents for inventions in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the Netherlands : Evidence, speeches, and papers in its favour
Marxism and Darwinism : Evidence, speeches, and papers in its favour
Anton Pannekoek
Illustrations of political economy, Volume 5 (of 9)
Harriet Martineau
Robert LeFevre
The World Court (Vol. I, No. 2, Sept. 1915)