Books in Browsing: Poetry (sorted alphabetically)
Along the Shore Rose Hawthorne Lathrop
Alphabet of Celebrities Oliver Herford
Alphabet of History Wilbur D. Nesbit
Alphabet of Old Friends Walter Crane
amant rendu cordelier a l'observance d'amour (French) d'Auvergne Martial
Amedeide: Poema eroico (Italian) Gabriello Chiabrera
American Cyclops, the Hero of New Orleans, and Spoiler of Silver Spoons J. Fairfax McLaughlin
American Indian love lyrics, and other verse, from the songs of the North American Indians
American Papyrus: 25 Poems Steven David Justin Sills
American Poetry, 1922: A Miscellany
American War Ballads and Lyrics, Volume 1 (of 2)
American War Ballads and Lyrics, Volume 2 (of 2)
amie rustique et autres vers divers (French) François Bérenger de La Tour d'Albenas
Ammen-Uhr: Aus des Knaben Wunderhorn (German) Freiherr von Ludwig Achim Arnim and Clemens Brentano
Among the Hills, and other poems John Greenleaf Whittier
Among the Millet and Other Poems Archibald Lampman
Among the Trees Again Evaleen Stein
Amores: elegías amatorias (Spanish) Ovid
Amores: Poems D. H. Lawrence
Amours De Voyage Arthur Hugh Clough
amours jaunes (French) Tristan Corbière
Amusing Trial in which a Yankee Lawyer Renders a Just Verdict Anonymous
Anagramméana, poëme en huit chants (French) G. A. J. Hécart
Anak Dalita (Tagalog) Patricio Mariano
Anatomie Du Mouvement: Poésie (French) Huguette Bertrand