Moorland Idylls
Grant Allen
Description of a New Vespertilionine Bat from Yucatan
J. A. Allen
Domestic Animals
Richard Lamb Allen
Gulf and Glacier; or, The Percivals in Alaska
Willis Boyd Allen
Improved Queen-Rearing; or, How to Rear Large, Prolific, Long-Lived Queen Bees
Henry Alley
Free from School
Rahul Alvares
A New Species of Wood Rat (Neotoma) from Northeastern Mexico
Ticul Alvarez
The Recent Mammals of Tamaulipas, México
Ticul Alvarez
A New Subspecies of Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus spilosoma) from Tamaulipas, Mexico
Ticul Alvarez
Taxonomic Status of Some Mice of The Peromyscus boylii Group in Eastern Mexico, With Description of a New Subspecies
Ticul Alvarez
Noteworthy Mammals from Sinaloa, Mexico
Ticul Alvarez, J. Knox Jones, and M. Raymond Lee
Revue de l'histoire de la Licorne, par un naturaliste de Montpellier (French)
Pierre Joseph Amoreux
War Dogs of the World War
John I. Anderson
Common names of a selected list of plants
Kling L. Anderson and Clenton E. Owensby
Subspeciation in the Meadow Mouse, Microtus montanus, in Wyoming and Colorado
Sydney Anderson
Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado
Sydney Anderson
Subspeciation in the Meadow Mouse, Microtus pennsylvanicus, in Wyoming, Colorado, and Adjacent Areas
Sydney Anderson
Extensions of Known Ranges of Mexican Bats
Sydney Anderson
Mammals of the Grand Mesa, Colorado
Sydney Anderson
Neotropical Bats from Western México
Sydney Anderson
Lake Ngami : or, Explorations and discoveries during four years' wanderings in the wilds of southwestern Africa
Charles John Andersson
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 01 & 02 [of 10]
active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
The heathery; or, A monograph of the genus Erica. vol. 1
active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
Coloured engravings of heaths; vol. 3
active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
Coloured engravings of heaths; vol. 4
active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews