Books in Browsing: Mathematics (sorted by popularity)
A Review of Algebra Romeyn Henry Rivenburg 183 downloads
Miscellaneous Mathematical Constants 182 downloads
Elémens de la philosophie de Neuton: Mis à la portée de tout le monde (French) Voltaire 181 downloads
Geschichte der Mathematik im Altertum in Verbindung mit antiker Kulturgeschichte (German) Max Simon 181 downloads
Theory of Groups of Finite Order William Burnside 178 downloads
The Foundations of Mathematics: A Contribution to the Philosophy of Geometry Paul Carus 177 downloads
Elementare Arithmetik und Algebra (German) Hermann Schubert 176 downloads
An essay on the foundations of geometry Bertrand Russell 175 downloads
On the theory of the infinite in modern thought : Two introductory studies Eleanor F. Jourdain 175 downloads
The Puzzle King John Scott 172 downloads
The Path-Way to Knowledg, Containing the First Principles of Geometrie Robert Record 171 downloads
On a Dynamical Top, for exhibiting the phenomena of the motion of a system of invariable form about a fixed point, with some suggestions as to the Earth's motion James Clerk Maxwell 170 downloads
The Seven Follies of Science [2nd ed.] John Phin 168 downloads
Philosophy and Fun of Algebra Mary Everest Boole 167 downloads
Primes to One Trillion 164 downloads
An Elementary Treatise on Fourier's Series and Spherical, Cylindrical, and Ellipsoidal Harmonics William Elwood Byerly 162 downloads
A Scrap-Book of Elementary Mathematics: Notes, Recreations, Essays William Frank White 159 downloads
Non-Euclidean Geometry Henry Parker Manning 158 downloads
Hyperbolic Functions James McMahon 157 downloads
Vorlesungen über Thermodynamik (German) Max Planck 149 downloads
Elements of Plane Trigonometry Hugh Blackburn 149 downloads
Ueber Riemann's Theorie der Algebraischen Functionen (German) Felix Klein 142 downloads
Catalan's Constant to 1,500,000 Places 140 downloads
Mathematical Geography Willis E. Johnson 140 downloads
Euclid's Book on Divisions of Figures Euclid, Raymond Clare Archibald, Franz Woepcke, and Leonardo Fibonacci 139 downloads