Books in Browsing: Humour (sorted alphabetically)
- Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Part 6. Mark Twain
- Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Part 7. Mark Twain
- Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Part 8. Mark Twain
- Æsculapian Labyrinth Explored; Or, Medical Mystery Illustrated William Taplin
- After Dinner Toast at Little Menlo Arthur Sullivan
- Aftermath; Or, Gleanings from a Busy Life Hilaire Belloc
- Age of Science: A Newspaper of the Twentieth Century Frances Power Cobbe
- Ajax, for example W. C. Tuttle
- Album chulo-gaiato ou collecção de receitas para fazer rir (Portuguese) Anonymous
- Alcibiade, la critica e il secolo di Pericle (Italian) Felice Cavallotti
- Alex the Great H. C. Witwer
- Alf's Button W. A. Darlington
- All (Frightfully Unofficial) About an Old Friend of Mine Thomas C. Gash
- All Things Considered G. K. Chesterton
- Allvarsord om allting och ingenting (Swedish) Waldemar Bülow
- Alonzo Fitz, and Other Stories Mark Twain
- Alpenkönig und der Menschenfeind (German) Ferdinand Raimund
- Al polo australe in velocipede (Italian) Emilio Salgari
- amateur crime Anthony Berkeley
- Amazing Inheritance Frances R. Sterrett
- America in the War Louis Raemaekers
- American Claimant Mark Twain
- American Credo H. L. Mencken and George Jean Nathan
- American Joe Miller: A Collection of Yankee Wit and Humor
- Americans, Drawn by Charles Dana Gibson Charles Dana Gibson