Books in Browsing: How To... (sorted by popularity)
How to Collect and Preserve Insects Herbert H. Ross 112 downloads
I've Been Thinking; or, the Secret of Success A. S. Roe 112 downloads
Common Sense for Housemaids Ann Fraser Tytler 111 downloads
Taxidermy without a Teacher Walter Porter Manton 111 downloads
Letters to a Young Housekeeper Jane Prince 111 downloads
The violin and the art of its construction: a treatise on the Stradivarius violin August Riechers 111 downloads
Hints for painters, decorators, and paper-hangers. An Old Hand 111 downloads
De Vegetarische Keuken (Dutch) E. M. Valk-Heijnsdijk 110 downloads
Lloyd's Treatise on Hats, with Twenty-Four Engravings Robert Lloyd 109 downloads
The Doers William John Hopkins 108 downloads
It's Fun to Sew a Cotton School Dress Theta Johnson 107 downloads
The China Painter Instruction Book George Erhart Balluff 106 downloads
Zenith Television Receiver Operating Manual Anonymous 106 downloads
Mother's Knitter: Containing some patterns of things for little children Elvina Mary Corbould 105 downloads
Lily Speed-O-Weave: Luncheon Set No. 86 Lily Mills Company 104 downloads
How to Study and Teaching How to Study Frank M. McMurry 104 downloads
How to Add Ten Years to your Life and to Double Its Satisfactions S. S. Curry 104 downloads
How to become an actor Aaron A. Warford 104 downloads
Let's Have a Party! Anonymous 103 downloads
Hippodrome Skating Book Charlotte Oelschlager 102 downloads
Jedermanns Hundebuch : Pflege, Erziehung und Dressur des Haushundes (German) Ernst von Otto-Kreckwitz 99 downloads
De nuttige handwerken: handboekje ten dienste der lagere school (Dutch) A. Teunisse and A. M. van der Velden 98 downloads
How to Make an Index Henry B. Wheatley 98 downloads
The Fascinating Boston Alfonso Josephs Sheafe 95 downloads
Outdoor Cooking with Reynolds Wrap Reynolds Metals Company 94 downloads