Millions from Waste
Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot
Memoranda on Tours and Touraine
J. H. Holdsworth
Outlines of a mechanical theory of storms : containing the true law of lunar influence, with practical instructions to the navigator, to enable him approximately to calculate the coming changes of the wind and weather, for any given day, and for any part of the ocean
Thomas Bassnett
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 4-6 : Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und Denkmalpflege (German)
Civics and Health
William H. Allen
Wild Life at the Land's End
J. C. Tregarthen
Worldwide Effects of Nuclear War: Some Perspectives
United States. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
De afsluiting en droogmaking der Zuiderzee. Weerlegging van bezwaren.
A. A. Beekman
Our Nuclear Future: Facts, Dangers and Opportunities
Edward Teller and Albert L. Latter
The Holy Earth
L. H. Bailey
Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916
Hearings of the International Joint Commission in re remedies for the pollution of boundary waters between the United States and Canada : Being public hearings held at Buffalo, N.Y., and Detroit, Mich., June 21-27, 1916, and Ogdensburg, N.Y., August 25, 1916
International Joint Commission
La flore utile du bassin de la Gambie (French)
A. Rançon
The Shepherd of Banbury's Rules to Judge of the Changes of the Weather, Grounded on Forty Years' Experience
John Claridge
Climatic Changes: Their Nature and Causes
Ellsworth Huntington and Stephen Sargent Visher
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XIII, Heft 5-6 : Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz, Volkskunde und Denkmalpflege (German)
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz
The bedbug : Its relation to public health, its habits and life history, and methods of control
United States. Public Health Service
Garden-Craft Old and New
John Dando Sedding
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XII, Heft 7-9 : Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz, Volkskunde und Denkmalpflege (German)
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz
The True Story of Our National Calamity of Flood, Fire and Tornado
Logan Marshall
Water pollution—Wells
Irving A. Watson
Rodent Control Aided by Emergency Conservation Work
Stanley Paul Young
Industrial Poisoning from Fumes, Gases and Poisons of Manufacturing Processes
Josef Rambousek
The Nation's River: A report on the Potomac
United States. Department of the Interior
The School Book of Forestry
Charles Lathrop Pack