Books in Browsing: Economics (sorted alphabetically by author)
Honest Money Arthur Isaac Fonda
The Universal Counterfeit and Altered Bank Note Detector, at Sight Henry C. Foote
Seventeen Talks on the Banking Question Charles N. Fowler
Chronicles and characters of the stock exchange of the Bank of England John Francis
The Present State of Hayti (Saint Domingo) with Remarks on its Agriculture, Commerce, Laws, Religion, Finances, and Population James Franklin
Other Worlds Lena Jane Fry
The Wheel of Fortune Mahatma Gandhi
History of Taxation in Rhode Island to the Year 1790 Henry B. Gardner
Progress and Poverty, Volumes I and II Henry George
Venezuela, an economic report Georgetown University. School of Foreign Service
Our Benevolent Feudalism William J. Ghent
The Industrial History of England Henry de Beltgens Gibbins
A History of Economic Doctrines Charles Gide and Charles Rist
Women and Economics Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Human Work Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Wealth of the World's Waste Places and Oceania Jewett C. Gilson
The Land-War in Ireland: A History for the Times James Godkin
Adhesiones á la Venta de los Ferro-carriles de la Provincia (Spanish) Manuel B. Gonnet
Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Melbourne on the Cause of the Higher Average Price of Grain in Britain than on the the Continent Sir George Grant Suttie
Checking the Waste: A Study in Conservation Mary Huston Gregory
Railway Rates: English and Foreign James Grierson
Modern Industrialism and the Negroes of the United States Archibald Henry Grimké
Federal Stamp Taxes on Drafts, Checks and Promissory Notes, 1919 Guaranty Trust Company of New York
Brazil and the River Plate in 1868 William Hadfield
A Vindication of England's Policy with Regard to the Opium Trade Charles Reginald Haines