Books in Browsing: Cooking & Drinking (sorted alphabetically)
best vegetarian dishes I know Jeanne Jardine
Better Meals for Less Money Marietta McPherson Greenough
Betty Crocker picture cooky book Betty Crocker and Inc. General Mills
Betty Crocker's Bisquick Cook Book: 157 Recipes and Ideas Betty Crocker
Betty Crocker's Frosting Secrets Betty Crocker
Billy in Bunbury Royal Baking Powder Company
Blacker's art of fly making, &c. : comprising angling, & dyeing of colours, with engravings of salmon & trout flies W. Blacker
Board-Work; or the Art of Wig-making, Etc. Edwin Creer
Bohemian San Francisco Clarence E. Edwords
Bohemian San Francisco Clarence E. Edwords
Book of Alfalfa: History, Cultivation and Merits F. D. Coburn
Book of American Baking Various
Book of Cheese Charles Thom and W. W. Fisk
Book of Fruits and Flowers Anonymous
book of hats and caps M. Elliott
Book of Household Management Mrs. Beeton
Book of Husbandry Anthony Fitzherbert
Book of Pears and Plums; With Chapters on Cherries and Mulberries Edward Bartrum
Book of Simples
book of The Cheese : Being traits and stories of "Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese"
book of topiary Charles H. Curtis and W. Gibson
Book on Vegetable Dyes Ethel Mairet
Boston cooking-school cook book Fannie Merritt Farmer
Boston Cooking-School Magazine (Vol. XV, No. 2, Aug.-Sept., 1910) Various
Bread and Biscuit Baker's and Sugar-Boiler's Assistant Robert Wells