The New York Cake Book: Fifty Recipes by a Famous New York Chef
Your All-time Favorite Afghans to Knit or Crochet
Le ménagier de Paris (v. 1 & 2) (French)
The Kitchen Encyclopedia
Almacen de recetas escogidas y probadas
How to Fold Napkins
Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome
Apicii librorum X qui dicuntur De re coquinaria quae extant (Latin)
The Art of Preserving All Kinds of Animal and Vegetable Substances for Several Years, 2nd ed.
Nicolas Appert
Le livre de tous les ménages
Nicolas Appert
Effie Archer Archer
La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene (Italian)
Pellegrino Artusi
The History of Bread: From Pre-historic to Modern Times
John Ashton
Drinks of the World
John Ashton and James Mew
Perfumes and their preparation : Containing complete directions for making handkerchief perfumes, smelling-salts, sachets, fumigating pastils; preparations for the care of the skin, the mouth, the hair; cosmetics, hair dyes, and other toilet articles
George William Askinson
Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
George Francis Atkinson
L'art de faire le vin avec les raisins secs (French)
J.-F. Audibert
A treatise on the esculent funguses of England
David Badham
The Apple-Tree
L. H. Bailey
The Production of Vinegar from Honey
Gerard W. Bancks
The Art of Angling
active 1651 Thomas Barker
The Book of Pears and Plums; With Chapters on Cherries and Mulberries
Edward Bartrum
Domestic French Cookery, 4th ed.
Sulpice Barué
The Story of Sugar
Sara Ware Bassett
The Gourmet's Guide to Europe
Algernon Bastard and Lieut.-Col. Newnham-Davis