Books in US Civil War (sorted alphabetically)
History of the Sixteenth Connecticut Volunteers B. F. Blakeslee
Hospital Sketches Louisa May Alcott
How Private George W. Peck Put Down the Rebellion George W. Peck
How the Flag Became Old Glory Mrs. Emma Look Scott
In and Out of Rebel Prisons A. Cooper
Incidents of the War: Humorous, Pathetic, and Descriptive Alfred Burnett
In The Ranks: From the Wilderness to Appomattox Court House R. E. McBride
John Marr and Other Poems Herman Melville
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe
Kincaid's Battery George Washington Cable
Kinston, Whitehall and Goldsboro (North Carolina) expedition, December, 1862
Last Campaign of the Twenty-Second Regiment, N.G., S.N.Y. June and July, 1863 George Wood Wingate
Lee and Longstreet at High Tide: Gettysburg in the Light of the Official Records Helen Dortch Longstreet
Lee's Last Campaign J. C. Gorman
Lieutenant at Eighteen Oliver Optic
Life of Abraham Lincoln John Hugh Bowers
Life of Gen. Robert E. Lee John Esten Cooke
Life of Rear Admiral John Randolph Tucker James Henry Rochelle
Lights and shadows in Confederate prisons : a personal experience, 1864-5 Homer B. Sprague
Lincoln; An Account of his Personal Life, Especially of its Springs of Action as Revealed and Deepened by the Ordeal of War Nathaniel W. Stephenson
Lincoln Letters Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln's Inaugurals, Addresses and Letters (Selections) Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln's Last Hours Charles A. Leale
Literary Hearthstones of Dixie La Salle Corbell Pickett